J-GLOBAL ID:200901084884562802
Update date: Nov. 19, 2024 NAMBA KAZUHIKO
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (3):
Foreign language education
, English linguistics
, Linguistics
Research keywords (14):
Systemic Functional LInguistics
, Lexical_Phrases
, Lexical_Phrases Collocations
, Phraseology
, Formulaic_Language
, Alternation
, MLF-model
, Code-switching
, Bilingualism
, Systemic Functional Grammar
, Lexical_Phrase
, Phraseology
, バイリンガリズム(Bilingualism) Code-switching(コードスイッチング) MLFモデル
, Bilingualism Code-switching MLFmodel Alternation Formulaic_Language Phraseology Lexical_Phrases Collocations
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2020 - 2021 A Systemic Functional Approach to the Structure of Japanese-English Balanced Bilinguals' Code-switching
- 2009 - 2011 A structural approach to Japanese-English bilinguals' code-swithcing
- 2009 - コードスイッチングの文法構造面についての縦断的、横断的研究 Systemic Functional Grammar、 Formulaic Languageの役割
Papers (12): -
A study on balanced bilinguals’ codeswitching from the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics. 2024. 18. 153-158
Hideyuki Taura, Satomi Mishina-Mori, Kazuhiko Namba, Yukio Ikari. Bilingualism as a First Language in the Japanese Context. 立命館言語文化研究. 2015. 26. 1-24 (14-19)
Formulaicity in Code-switching: data analysis. 千里国際学園研究紀要. 2009. 13/1, 77-114
English-Japanese Bilingual Children's Code-switching:a structural approach with emphasis on formulaic language (博士論文). Centre for Language and Communication Research, Ca. 2008
Japanese-English Children's Code-switching: applying the MLF model to two siblings' data. 千里国際学園研究紀要. 2007. 11&12/1,41-89
more... MISC (15): Books (4): - バイリンガリズム入門 山本雅代(編著) 井狩幸男(著)、田浦秀幸(著)、難波和彦(著) 第7章、第8章、第13章、第14章、第15章(一部) 担当
大修館書店 2014 ISBN:9784469245868
- English-Japanese Code-switching and Formulaic Language: A Structural Approach to Bilingual Children's Interactions
Lambert Academic Publishing 2012 ISBN:9783847339205
- Formulaicity in Code-switching: Criteria for Identifying Formulaic Sequences In D.Wood (ed.) Perspectives on Formulaic Language in Acquisition and Communication
Continuum 2010 ISBN:9781441150479
- 「Mr.Beanで文法を導入」(浅川&植松編) 英語指導のスキル第4章
日本書籍 2001 ISBN:9784819904858
Lectures and oral presentations (17): -
Analyzing the Structure of Balanced Bilinguals' Japanese-English Code-switching: a Systemic Functional Approach
(The 24th Research Roundtable for Bilingualism as a First Language 2022)
(第1言語としてのバイリンガリズム研究会 第18回研究会 2018)
(第22回日本機能言語学会秋期大会(龍谷大学大阪梅田キャンパス) 2014)
Balanced bilinguals' Code-Switching Using Systemic Functional Grammar
(AILA(応用言語学会世界大会)2014 Brisbane, Australia 2014)
Focusing on Form with Murphy’s Grammar in Use
(JALT2013 (Kobe) 2013)
more... Works (1): -
A study on the structure of Japanese-English balanced bilinguals’ codeswitching from the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics
2021 -
Education (5): - - 2008 Cardiff University Centre for Language and Communication Research 応用言語学
- - 2008 Cardiff University Centre for Language and Communication Research Applied Linguistics
- 1981 - 1986 Osaka City University Faculty of Literature
- - 1986 Osaka City University Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences
- - 1986 Osaka City University Faculty of Literature Department of English Linguistics and Literature
Professional career (2): - Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics (Cardiff University, UK)
- Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics with distinction (Cardiff University, UK)
Work history (2): - 2009/04 - 2015/03 English Department, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University Associate Professor
- 1996/04 - 2009/03 Senri International School
Committee career (4): - 2020/04 - 現在 第一言語としてのバイリンガリズム研究会 (Bil1) 副会長
- 2010 - 2020/03 第一言語としてのバイリンガリズム研究会 (Bil1) 事務局長
- 2011/04 - 2012/03 全国英語教育学会(JASELE) 紀要編集委員会事務局長
- 第1言語としてのバイリンガリズム研究会の立ち上げメンバーの一人として参加しています。
Association Membership(s) (11):
Japan Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
, Formulaic Language Research Network
, 全国英語教育学会(JASELE)
, 日本機能言語学会
, Research Roundtable for Bilingualism as a First Language
, Formulaic Language Research Network
, 大学英語教育学会 (JACET)
, 全国語学教育学会 (JALT)
, Research Rountable for Bilingualism as a First Language Acquisition
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