J-GLOBAL ID:200901084927164857
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Haraguchi Yukako
ハラグチ ユカコ | Haraguchi Yukako
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Research field (1):
Clinical psychology
Research keywords (2):
, Health Psychology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2008 - 初年次教育の可能性-教育実践と学習効果-
2000 - 2001 Cognitive Bias for Human Information Processingin Anxiety and Depression
1999 - 2000 Behavioral scientific research about flexibility of the coping strategy and burnout.
The influence of desire for control and perfectionism on the stress-coping process
The influence which a psychological stress-coping exerts on the change in health consciousness
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MISC (6):
尾関友佳子, 加知ひろ子, 新藤照夫. 初年次教育の可能性(1)-教育実践と学習効果に関する中間報告-. 福岡医療福祉大学紀要. 2009. 6. 159-166
G Matthews, A Tsuda, G Xin, Y Ozeki. Individual differences in driver stress vulnerability in a Japanese sample. ERGONOMICS. 1999. 42. 3. 401-415
尾関友佳子, 原口雅, 津田彰. 大学生の心理的ストレス過程の共分散構造分析. 健康心理学研究. 1994. 7. 2. 20-36
尾関友佳子, 原口雅, 津田彰. ワーク・ストレスとその緩和要因,健康状態. 行動科学. 1993. 32. 2. 74-76
尾関友佳子, 原口雅. ワーク・ストレスとその緩和要因としての個人的・組織的特性. ストレス科学. 1992. 7. 1. 78-83
Education (4):
- 1997 Kurume University
- 1997 Kurume University Graduate School, Division of Comparative Culture
- 1989 Fukuoka University Faculty of Humanities
- 1989 Fukuoka University Faculty of Humanities
Professional career (1):
Master of Arts (Kurume University)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本健康心理学会
, 日本心理学会
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