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J-GLOBAL ID:200901085474565118   Update date: Feb. 26, 2025

Yamada Akira

ヤマダ アキラ | Yamada Akira
Affiliation and department:
Job title: professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.med.kurume-u.ac.jp/med/sentanca/
Research field  (1): Immunology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (49):
  • 2020 - HMGB1の抗腫瘍免疫における機能解明とがん免疫療法への応用
  • 2019 - HMGB1の抗腫瘍免疫における機能解明とがん免疫療法への応用
  • 2017 - すこやかな次代と人を創る研究拠点大学へ:先端的がん治療研究による挑戦
  • 2016 - 次世代経皮カクテルワクチンの開発基礎研究
  • 2015 - 次世代経皮カクテルワクチンの開発基礎研究
Show all
Papers (125):
  • Keiko Oda, Yasuhiko Ito, Akira Yamada, Shigeru Yutani, Kyogo Itoh, Shuichi Ozono. Evaluation of the Immunological Response of Childhood Cancer Patients Treated with a Personalized Peptide Vaccine for Refractory Soft Tissue Tumor: A Four-Case Series. The Kurume medical journal. 2023. 68. 2. 157-163
  • Waki K, Ozawa M, Yamada A. Suppression of high mobility group box 1 in B16F10 tumor does not inhibit the induction of neoantigen-specific T cells. Cancer Sci. 2022. 113. 12. 4082-4091
  • Yokomizo K, Waki K, Ozawa M, Yamamoto K, Ogasawara S, Yano H, and Yamada A. Knockout of high-mobility group box 1 in B16F10 melanoma cells induced host immunity-mediated suppression of in vivo tumor growth. Med Oncol. 2022. 39. 5. 58
  • Sudo T, Kawahara A, Ishi K, Mizoguchi A, Nagasu S, Nakagawa M, Fujisaki M, Hino H, Saisho K, Kaku H, Matono S, Mori N, Akiba J, Yamada A, Akagi Y. Diversity and shared T-cell receptor repertoire analysis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Oncol Lett. 2021. 22. 618
  • Uchino Y, Muroya D, Yoshitomi M, Shichijo S, Yamada A, Sasada T, Yamada T, Okuda K, Itoh K, Yutani S. Investigation of factors associated with reduced clinical benefits of personalized peptide vaccination for pancreatic cancer. Mol Clin Oncol. 2021. 14. 2. 39
MISC (110):
  • Tetsuro Sasada, Masanori Noguchi, Akira Yamada, Kyogo Itoh. Personalized peptide vaccination: A novel immunotherapeutic approach for advanced cancer. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics. 2012. 8. 9. 1309-1313
  • M. Noguchi, T. Mine, N. Komatsu, S. Suekane, F. Moriya, K. Yoshida, S. Yutani, S. Shichijo, A. Yamada, K. Itoh. Assessment of immunological biomarkers in patients with advanced cancer treated by personalized peptide vaccination. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 2010. 28. 15
  • Hirotsugu Uemura, Kiyohide Fujimoto, Takashi Mine, Shigeya Uejima, Marco A de Velasco, Yoshihiko Hirao, Nobukazu Komatsu, Akira Yamada, Kyogo Itoh. Immunological evaluation of personalized peptide vaccination monotherapy in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer. Cancer science. 2010. 101. 3. 601-8
  • Kyogo Itoh, Akira Yamada, Takashi Mine, Masanori Noguchi. Recent advances in cancer vaccines: An overview. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009. 39. 2. 73-80
  • 豊嶋 健史, 中村 誠司, 熊丸 渉, 石橋 浩晃, 大山 順子, 嘉手納 勉, 佐々木 匡理, 川村 英司, 林田 淳之將, 森山 雅文, et al. 口腔扁平上皮癌患者における腫瘍周囲のリンパ球浸潤と抗腫瘍細胞傷害性T細胞のin vitro誘導との関連. 日本癌学会総会記事. 2004. 63回. 301-301
Patents (5):
  • 脱感作剤
  • 腫瘍抗原(11-18肺癌関連)
  • CDw108をコードする遺伝子
  • TNF-alphaプロモーターが関与する疾患の遺伝子診断
  • 腫瘍細胞の存在の有無の判定方法
Books (9):
  • Peptide encoded by an intron of the putative tumor suppressor gene Testin of the common fragile site 7G is a cancer antigen recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In “FRAGILE SITES: New discoveries and changing perspectives”
    Eds: Isabel Arrieta, Olga Penagarikano, and Mercedes Telez. Nova Science Publishers Inc. Hauppauge NY. 2007
  • Peptide-based vaccines for cancer immunotherapy. In "Current Topics in Peptide & Protein Research"
    Research Trend, India 2004
  • Development of peptide-based vaccines for epithelial cancer. In "Research Progress in Cancer 2"
    Global Research Network, India. 2002
  • A. Yamada, H. Yamana, K. Itoh. Development of peptide-based vaccines for epithelial cancer. In “Research Progress in Cancer 2”, R. M. Mohan (Ed), Global Research Network, India. pp. 241-247, 2002."
  • A. Yamada, H. Yamana, K. Itoh. Development of Peptide-Based Vaccines for Epithelial Cancer. In “ Research Progress in Cancer 2”, R. M. Mohan(Ed), Global
    Research Network, Ind 2002
Works (2):
  • クロレラの免疫作用の研究
  • 医療用漢方薬の免疫作用の研究
Education (4):
  • - 1986 Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
  • - 1980 Kitasato University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science
  • Kitasato University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Kyushu University
Professional career (2):
  • (BLANK) (Kitasato University)
  • Ph. D (Kyushu University)
Association Membership(s) (11):
日本免疫学会 ,  日本癌治療学会 ,  日本臨床薬理学会 ,  日本薬学会 ,  米国癌学会 ,  日本がん免疫学会 ,  日本癌学会 ,  米国免疫学会 ,  基盤的癌免疫研究会 ,  日本生体防御学会 ,  日本細菌学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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