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J-GLOBAL ID:200901085553400353   Update date: Jan. 14, 2025

Matsuoka Masaya

マツオカ マサヤ | Matsuoka Masaya
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): https://www.omu.ac.jp/eng/apchem_03/
Research field  (1): Basic physical chemistry
Research keywords  (5): 光エネルギー変換 ,  触媒反応 ,  光触媒反応 ,  Catalysis ,  Photocatalysis
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (21):
  • 2015 - 2018 Preparation of Wavelength Variable Light Emitting Device by Using Porous Silica Colloidal Crystal and Development of Vapoluminescence
  • 2014 - 2018 PCPナノ空間による分子制御科学と応用展開
  • 2013 - 2016 Development of non-noble metal thin film catalysts by sputtering method and their applications as cathode catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction
  • 2009 - 2011 高機能光触媒・環境エコ塗料の実用化開発
  • 2009 - 2011 Development of crystallized mesoporous materials including singlesite organometallic complexes and their catalytic activity with high selectivity
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Papers (139):
  • Xiangwen Zhang, Dekai Liu, Mingmei Zhang, Lu Sun, Takashi Toyao, Chenxi He, Duotian Chen, Weiwei Liu, Masaya Matsuoka, Han Sun, et al. Ammonia-regulated CuCo2O4 spinel oxide embedded in Y zeolite for methanol oxidation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2024. 487
  • Xiangwen Zhang, Han Sun, Takashi Toyao, Yuan Jing, Shinya Mine, Lu Sun, Weiwei Liu, Masaya Matsuoka, Weihua Wang, Haijun Chen. Strong ectopic adsorption on single cobalt site accelerates the direct catalytic oxidation of low concentration acetonitrile on CuO nanoparticles embedded in SAPO-34. Separation and Purification Technology. 2023. 325
  • Masato Takeuchi, Tadateru Kikuchi, Atsushi Kondo, Ryo Kurosawa, Junichi Ryu, Masaya Matsuoka. Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis-Formation of Ca(OH)2 and Ca(OD)2 by Hydration of CaO with H2O and D2O. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2023. 127. 13. 6406-6413
  • Yu Horiuchi, Keisuke Miyazaki, Mika Tachibana, Kenichi Nishigaki, Masaya Matsuoka. Solar light-driven selective photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction to CO in aqueous media using Si nanowire arrays decorated with Au and Au-based metal nanoparticles. Research on Chemical Intermediates. 2023. 49. 3. 1131-1146
  • Masaya Matsuoka, Jong Wook Bae. Preface: The 18th Japan-Korea Symposium on Catalysis (18thJKSC). Catalysis Today. 2023. 411-412
MISC (124):
  • Zakary Lionet, Yusuke Kamata, Shun Nishijima, Takashi Toyao, Tae Ho Kim, Yu Horiuchi, Soo Wohn Lee, Masaya Matsuoka. Water oxidation reaction promoted by MIL-101(Fe) photoanode under visible light irradiation. Research on Chemical Intermediates. 2018. 44. 8. 4755-4764
  • Kolleboyina Jayaramulu, Takashi Toyao, Vaclav Ranc, Christoph Rösler, Martin Petr, Radek Zboril, Yu Horiuchi, Masaya Matsuoka, Roland A. Fischer. An in situ porous cuprous oxide/nitrogen-rich graphitic carbon nanocomposite derived from a metal-organic framework for visible light driven hydrogen evolution. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2016. 4. 46. 18037-18042
  • Takashi Toyao, Mika Fujiwaki, Kenta Miyahara, Tae Ho Kim, Yu Horiuchi, Masaya Matsuoka. Design of Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework Derived Nitrogen-Doped Nanoporous Carbons Containing Metal Species for Carbon Dioxide Fixation Reactions. ChemSusChem. 2015. 8. 22. 3905-3912
  • Yu Horiuchi, Takashi Toyao, Mika Fujiwaki, Satoru Dohshi, Tae Ho Kim, Masaya Matsuoka. Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks as heterogeneous catalysts for a one-pot P-C bond formation reaction via Knoevenagel condensation and phospha-Michael addition. RSC Advances. 2015. 5. 31. 24687-24690
  • Jenny Schneider, Masaya Matsuoka, Masato Takeuchi, Jinlong Zhang, Yu Horiuchi, Masakazu Anpo, Detlef W. Bahnemann. Understanding TiO2photocatalysis: Mechanisms and materials. Chemical Reviews. 2014. 114. 19. 9919-9986
Books (7):
  • Photocatalysis of Cations Incorporated within Zeolites
    Catal. Uniq. Met. Ion Struct. Solid. Matrices. 2001
  • 触媒の事典(分担執筆)
    朝倉書店 2000
  • Photofunctional Zeolite : Synthesis, Characterization, Photocatalytic Reactions, Light Harvesting(jointly worked)
    eds, M. Anpo 2000
  • 表面・界面光化学反応の基礎
    季刊化学総説(日本化学会編)? 1998
  • 「光化学の基礎と先端研究」
    (季刊化学総説;日本化学会編) 1998
Works (2):
  • Environmental applications of TiO2 photocatalysts
    2001 -
  • Design and development of low temperature oxidation catalysts
    2001 -
Education (4):
  • - 1997 Osaka Prefecture University
  • - 1997 Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
  • - 1992 Osaka Prefecture University School of Engineering Department of Applied Chemistry
  • - 1992 Osaka Prefecture University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
  • Ph. D Ç
Work history (7):
  • 2010 - Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School of Engineering
  • 2007 - Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School of Engineering
  • 2004 - Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School of Engineering
  • 1998 - Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School of Engineering
  • 1998 - - Research Associate, Graduate School of Engineering,
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Committee career (10):
  • 2008/04 - 現在 近畿化学協会触媒・表面部会幹事
  • 2020/04 - 2023/02 日本化学会近畿支部幹事・代議員・代表正会員
  • 2015/04 - 2021/03 堺市水素エネルギー社会推進協議会 座長
  • 2014/04 - 2016/03 触媒学会触媒討論会実行委員長
  • 2012/02 - 2015/01 華東理工大学(中国)客員教授
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Awards (1):
  • 2004/07 - 国際触媒連合優秀若手研究者賞
Association Membership(s) (7):
アメリカ化学会 ,  光化学協会 ,  日本化学会 ,  触媒学会 ,  The Japanese Photochemistry Association ,  The Chemical Society of Japan ,  Catalysis Society of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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