J-GLOBAL ID:200901085644452089
Update date: Feb. 14, 2024 Sakakibara Hiroaki
サカキバラ ヒロアキ | Sakakibara Hiroaki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (2):
Sports science
, Physical and health education
Research keywords (2):
, History of Physical Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2002 - The Elementary Schools' gymnastics and The British Influences in Kagoshima during the Early Meiji Era
- 2002 - A Historical Study on School Physical Education System in Early 20th Century Ergland.
- イギリス初等教育の体育授業と課外ゲーム活動に関する歴史的研究
- Gymnastic Exercises in Late 19th Century England.
MISC (49): -
1906年英国初等学校教育規則にみる課外ゲーム活動容認の歴史的意味. 福岡教育大学紀要. 2005. 第54号 第5分冊 pp.41-52
Gymnastics and Modern Education in Kagoshima from the Closing Days of Tokugawa Regime to the Early Meiji Era in Japan. ISHPES Studies. 2004. No.11, 2004, pp. 386-392
ブライス委員会報告書(1895年)にみる中等学校のゲーム活動と体育授業-20世紀初頭の英国中等学校体育制度の前史的考察-. 福岡教育大学紀要. 2004. 53-5 77-91
Gymnastics and Modern Education in Kagoshima from the Closing Day of Tokugawa Regime to the Early Meiji Era in Japan. ISHPES Studies. 2004. No.11, 2004, pp. 386-392
A Historical Study on Organized Game and Physical Education in the Report of the Royal Commission on Secondary Education(1895). Bulletin of Fukuoka University of Education. 2004. 53-5 77-91
more... Books (10): - 「卓球の特性と歴史」
『卓球コーチ教本』(大修館書店) 1996
- 「体操家アレクザンダー(1849-1928)とイギリスの体操場」『成田十次郎先生退官記念論文集体育・スポーツ史研究の展望-国際的成果と課題-』
不昧堂出版 1996
- The Characteristic and the History of Table Tennis
The Textbook of Table Tennis Coaching Staff 1996
- "Alexander Alexander (1849-1928) and the Gymnastic Intelligence in the Late 19th Century England." International Perspectives and Results of Historical Reseach on Physical Education and Sport.
Humaido Publisher Co., Ltd. 1996
- 『チャンピオンを目指す卓球』(共著)
不昧堂出版 1995
more... Works (2): -
1993 -
The Total Survey on the Young Table Tennis Players in Japan.
1993 -
Education (4): - - 1992 University of Tsukuba
- - 1992 University of Tsukuba Doctoral Program of Health & Sport Sciences
- - 1985 University of Tsukuba School of Health and Physical Education
- - 1985 University of Tsukuba College of Health & Sport Sciences
Professional career (2): - Master of Education (University of Tsukuba)
- 博士(体育科学) (筑波大学)
Work history (8): - 1999 - 2001 University of Teacher Education Fukuoka Faculty of Education
- 1999 - 2001 Associate Professor, Faculty of Education,
- 1997 - 1999 University of Teacher Education Fukuoka Faculty of Education
- 1997 - 1999 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education,
- 1993 - 1997 Tokyo Seitoku University Faculty of Humanities
- 1993 - 1997 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities
- Fukuoka University of Education
- Tokyo Seitok University
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Committee career (9): - 1999 - 2003 教育史学会 会員
- 1997 - 2003 東北アジア体育・スポーツ史学会 会員
- 1997 - 2003 九州体育・スポーツ学会 Membe
- 1995 - 2003 イギリススポーツ史学会(British Society of Sport History) Member
- 1986 - 2003 日本スポーツ教育学会 会員
- 1986 - 2003 スポーツ史学会 会員
- 1986 - 2003 日本体育学会 会員
- 1986 - 2003 イギリス教育史学会(History of Education Society) Oversea Member
- 2003 - 東北アジア体育・スポーツ学会 理事
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Association Membership(s) (9):
, 東北アジア体育・スポーツ史学会
, 教育史学会
, 九州体育・スポーツ学会
, イギリススポーツ史学会(British Society of Sport History)
, 日本スポーツ教育学会
, スポーツ史学会
, 日本体育学会
, イギリス教育史学会(History of Education Society)
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