J-GLOBAL ID:200901086186723597
Update date: Sep. 26, 2022 Nakagiri Sadamitsu
ナカギリ サダミツ | Nakagiri Sadamitsu
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Research keywords (6):
, 地域社会(過疎問題)
, 社会移動
, Social Pathology
, Depopulated Area Problem
, Social Mobility
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 集団再編成の研究
- 生活の質の地域差と社会移動 -瀬戸内海の離島住民の場合-
- Study on reorganization of social group
- The Difference among Areas on the Life of Quality and Social Mobility -Cases of Depopulated Islans People in Setonaikai-
MISC (25): -
A Study of the Inland Sea of Japan. Kobundo - Shuppansha. 2004. 176.
中桐 規碩. 産業の衰退が人口過疎に及ぼす影響について-愛媛県関前諸島・小大下島の石灰石鉱業の事例を中心に-. くらしき作陽大学・作陽短期大学「研究紀要」. 1999. 32. 1. 1-14
Economic decline and depopulation : A Case of Lime Industory of Kohgeshima in Sekizen Islands. Bullitin of Kurashiki Sakuyo University & Sakuyo Junior College. 1999. 32. 1. 1-14
新倉敷駅南第一・第二地区ふるさと顔づくりモデル土地区画整理事業 計画書. 岡山県倉敷市. 1998. 64
City Planning, District of South Side JR-Shinkurashiki Station. Okayam Prefecture Kurashiki City(City Planning Report). 1998. 64
more... Books (15): - 離島研究-瀬戸内の社会学-
高文堂出版社 2004
- 社会病理と社会学
高文堂出版社 2000
- Social Problems and Sociology
Kobundo-Shuppanshya 2000
- 過疎地域流出者の意識とふるさと回帰 -岡山県笠岡諸島の住民の場合-
作陽音楽大学音楽学部 1996
- Remigration from Cities to Depopulated Area -Case of KASAOKA ISLANDS People.
Sakuyo Music College. 1996
more... Works (4): -
平成4年度毎日郷土提言賞論文優秀賞受賞(毎日新聞社) 年齢区分の見直しと第三エイジの支援
1992 -
Article, New Division of Age and Support of the Third Age
1992 -
平成3年度毎日郷土提言賞論文優秀賞受賞(毎日新聞社) 通勤通学圏の拡大と生活の質的向上
1991 -
Article, Magnification of Commute-Attend Range and Rising the Quality of Life in OKAYAMA Prefecture
1991 -
Education (2): - - 1959 Toyo University Faculty of Sociology
- - 1959 Toyo University Faculty of Sociology Sociology Course
Association Membership(s) (2): Return to Previous Page