J-GLOBAL ID:200901086457539584
Update date: Oct. 05, 2019 Kamimura Taeko
カミムラ タエコ | Kamimura Taeko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Foreign language education
Research keywords (1):
>Applied Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - Contrastive Rhetoric : Japanese and English
- The Role of Cultural Awareness in Foreign Language Writing
- Relationships between Composing in Japanese as a First Language and Composing in English as a Second Language
- Expectations towards the Teaching of English in Japan: From the Perspectives or Students, Teachers and Business People
Papers (59): -
カミムラ タエコ. Chronologically-Oriented Japanese and Causally-Oriented English: A Comparison Between Verbal Communication Styles in Japanese and English Cultures from the Viewpoint of Intercultural Communication. Senshu Journal of Foreign Language Education. 2018. 46. >25-38
カミムラ タエコ. The Impact of Studying Abroad on Japanese Students' Learning of English and Understanding of Different Cultures. Studies in the Humanities. 2018. 102. >1-22
カミムラ タエコ. Skilled and Unskilled Japanese EFL Student Writers' Narrative Story Production. Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 2016. 20. 1. >37-54
カミムラ タエコ. An Investigation of the Developmental Pattern of Japanese EFL Students' Grammatical Competence. Senshu Journal of Foreign Language Education. 2016. 44. >65-87
カミムラ タエコ. Citation Behaviors Observed in Japanese EFL Students' Argumentative Writing. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics. 2014. 18. 1. >85-101
more... MISC (6): -
Kyoko Oi, Tama Kumamoto, Ichiro Hagiwara, Beverley Horne, Kahoko Matsuomto. Empower English Expression II Mastery Course. 2019. >152
Kyoko Oi, Tama Kumamoto, Ichiro Hagiwara, Beverly Horne, Kahoko Matsuomto. Empower English Expression II Essential Course. 2019. >
Kyoko Oi, Tama Kumamoto, Ichiro Hagiwara, Beverley Horne, Kahoko Matsumoto. Empower English Expression I Mastery Course. 2018. >
カミムラ タエコ. A New Way of Learning and English Education. 2017. >26-27
Kyoko Oi, Kim Sano Marie. English Writing textbook. Kenkyusha. 2011. >
more... Books (11): - Teaching EFL Composition in Japan
Senshu University Press 2012 ISBN:9784881252635
- Writing Frontiers
Kinseido 2010 ISBN:9784764738966
- World Trek English Writing
- 英語論文・レポートの書き方 担当部分:第1章、第3章、第6章1、2、3、6、7、8節、第7章、第8章、付録
研究社 2004
- 基礎からはじめるTOEICテスト (第1・3章及び解答と解説担当)
三修社 1998
more... Lectures and oral presentations (51): -
Combining Focus on Form and Genre-Based Writing Approach
(2018/The 27th International Symposium on English Language Teaching and Book Exhibit 2018)
Teaching Summary Writing as a Bilingual Literacy Skill in EFL Classrooms
(2nd International Conference on Multilingual Education in Linguistically Diverse contexts 2018)
Exploring the Developmental Stages of EFL Students' Grammatical Competence
(26th International Symposium on English Teaching and Book Fair 2017)
Producing Summaries of a Narrative Story under Different Conditions
(51st Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics 2017)
Students' and Teachers' Perceived Difficulty Levels of Different Grammatical Items
(25th International Symposium on English Teaching and Book Fair 2016)
more... Education (2): - - 1990 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Others Rhetoric and Linguistics
- - 1979 University of the Sacred Heart Faculty of Liberal Arts
Professional career (2): - 文学博士(Ph.D. in English) (ペンシルバニア州立大学インディアナ大学(アメリカ合衆国))
- 文学修士 (ペンシルバニア州立インディアナ大学(アメリカ合衆国))
Work history (3): - 1992 - 1998 Senshu University, School of Literature, Associate Professor
- 1998 - Senshu University, School of Literature, Professor
- 1988 - 1992 Meikai University, Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Instructer
Association Membership(s) (6):
英語教育学会(Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
, 異文化コミュニケ-ション研究会
, 全国語学教育学会
, 関東甲信越英語教育学会
, 日本ラボラトリー学会
, 大学英語教育学会
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