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J-GLOBAL ID:200901087087408228   Update date: Sep. 21, 2022

Yagita Masato

ヤギタ マサト | Yagita Masato
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Director
Research field  (3): Allergies and connective tissue disease ,  Hematology and oncology ,  Immunology
Research keywords  (7): リウマチ膠原病内科学 ,  血液免疫内科学 ,  癌免疫 ,  (免疫学)ヒトNK細胞現象 ,  Hematological and Immunological Disorders ,  Tumor Immunology ,  Human Natural Killer Phenomenon
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • ヒトNK細胞腫瘍化の分子機構
  • ヒトNK細胞腫瘍化の分子生物学的研究
  • ヒト・NK細胞の標的認識機構
  • Molecular mechanism underlying Oncogenesis of human NK cells
  • Molecular mechanism underlying the oncogenesis of human NK cells
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MISC (54):
Books (5):
  • NK細胞-研究の進歩と最近の動向"腫瘍免疫-基礎研究と臨床応用"
    中外医学社("腫瘍免疫-基礎研究と臨床応用"内田温士編)Chugai Igakusha(東京) 1992
  • (Natural killer Cells-Recent progress of research in this field In Tumor Immunology-fundamental research and clinical application"ed. by UChida A. )
  • Grimm, E.A., Et al. (LaK細胞.その誘導と機能。"細胞障害性T細胞:その生物学と疾患における意義"バチスト,J.R.,プレート,J.,シェアラー,G編)
  • Lymphokine-activated killer cells Induction and function. In"Cytotoxic T cells : Biology and Relevance to Disease"ed. by Battisto. J. , and Shearer, G. (共著) by Grimm, E.A., et al.
    Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci The New York Academy of Sciences(New York) 1988
  • Current understanding of the lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cell phenomenon. In "Immunomodulation of Neoplana"ed. by Cruise, J. M. and Greenberg, P. D.
    Tumor Research 1988
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK) (Kyoto University)
Association Membership(s) (7):
日本リウマチ学会 ,  日本内科学会 ,  日本癌学会 ,  日本血液学会 ,  日本免疫学会 ,  Association of UICC Fellows ,  アメリカ癌学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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