Research field (2):
Education - general
, Religious studies
Research keywords (6):
Religious Education in Pre-Primary School
, Comparative Education in Pre-Primary School
, Pre-Primary School Education
, 幼児宗教教育学
, 比較幼児教育学
, 幼児教育学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
1985 - Comparative Pre-Primary School Education-To Research the Foundation of Pre-Primary School Education in Japan and China
1969 - モンテッソーリ法研究-宗教教育学的と教育哲学的視野から
1969 - Montessori Method Research-From the View Points of Religious Education and Philosophy of Education
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MISC (58):
Honda Yasuhiro, Asano Koji, Tampo Keizo, Ishida Yoshikiyo, Tatsumi Yukitaka. Curriculum analyses of department of education of national universities and their issues. Bulletin of Research Center for School Education, Naruto University of Teacher Education. 1998. 12. 71-79
Honda Yasuhiro, Asano Koji, Tampo Keizo, Ishida Yoshikiyo, Tatsumi Yukitaka. Curriculum Analyses of Department of Education of National Universities and Their Issues. Bul. of Research Center for School Ed. Naruto Univ. of Ed. 12/,71-79 1998. 1998. 12. 71-79
Matsuda Michihiko, Tanpo Keizo, Asano Kouji, Yamamoto Sadami, Okumura Kiyoshi, Ono Hisao. Some Actual Conditions for the 5 Days' Work in a Week (Gakkou-Syu-5ka-Sei) of Junior High School in Tokushima-ken. Journal of practical education, Naruto University of Education. 1997. 7. 115-127