J-GLOBAL ID:200901088506984710
Update date: Apr. 17, 2024 Yamaguchi Nobuyoshi
ヤマグチ ノブヨシ | Yamaguchi Nobuyoshi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Chief Researcher
Research field (1):
Building structures and materials
Research keywords (4):
, 木質構造
, Earthquake Engineering
, Timber Building Structures
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (33): - 木造建築物の耐震診断の評点と被災度の関係-1995年阪神淡路大震災、本山の場合-. 日本建築学会大会学術講演梗概集. 2004. C-1
Energy-based Evaluation Method of Seismic Performance of Timber Structures. Proceedings of 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (13WCEE),. 2004
Analysis of Seismic Performance of Timber Structures Using Non-linear Viscous Damping. Proceedings of 8th World Conference on Timber Engineering. 2004
Ground Motions with Static Displacement Derived from Strong-motion Accelerogram Recorded by a New Baseline Correction Method. Proceedings of 2nd Japan-US Soil Structure Interaction Workshop in Menlo Park , United State Geological Survey. 2004
Energy-based Evaluation Method of Seismic Performance of Timber Structures. Proceedings of 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (13WCEE). 2004
more... Books (1): - 木質構造設計規準、同解析、日本建築学会、1995年 (共著)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, The Japan Wood Research society
, Architectural Institute of Japan
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