J-GLOBAL ID:200901089150642131
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024 Mita Kaoru
ミタ カオル | Mita Kaoru
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2022 - 2025 英語初級学習者のパラグラフ・ライティング評価基準の確立と自動評価モデルの開発
- 2018 - 2021 Testing the effectiveness of a program to increase confidence of Japanese beginner-level learners in English to write and present in English
- コンピュータを用いた英作文能力向上のためのプログラム開発
- An Experimental Research on Computer-Assisted English Writing
Papers (34): -
Kaoru Mita, Tomoko Kurita, Atsuko Shimoda. A History of Curriculum Development of a Compulsory English Course at a Women’s Junior College in Tokyo-An Active Learning Approach Aimed at Global Project-Based Learning. Jissen Women's Junior College Review. 2020. 41
Misa Otsuka, Kaoru Mita. Teaching a college’s founding history using a Jigsaw learning technique-an attempt at a women’s junior college in Tokyo. Jissen Women's Junior College Review. 2020. 41
Kaoru Mita, Atsuko Shimoda. An Analysis of Japanese Students' Improvement on EFL Writing--Changes of Errors by L1 Transfer and the Ability of Expression in Essays by Students who Improved Fluency. Jissen English Communication. 2020. 50
Kaoru Mita. An Exploratory Study of EFL Writing Program in a Japanese Junior College Setting. Jissen Women's Junior College Review. 2019. 40. 19-42
Kaoru Mita, Yoshie Kubota, Tomoko Kurita, Yuko Maurer, David Baldwin, Lorna De Vera, Robert Christpher. The Effect of Three-Way Corrective Feedback in EFL Writing in a Japanese Junior College Setting. The Bulletin of Jissen Women's Junior College. 2018. 39. 39. 23-49
more... Books (4): - 英語コミュニケーション学科の学祖教育資料作成とアクティブラーニングの試み---下田歌子のイギリス滞在や女性の生き方についての英語学習---
Jissen English Communication 2016
- フィンランド人学生と英語コミュニケーション学科の国際交流について: タンペレ応用科学大学学生との交流とフィンランドの高等教育の紹介
Jissen English Communication 2016
- 『メルボルン短期研修ハンドブック--会話・表現集--』について
Jissen English Communication 2014
- 「グローバル化時代に求められる英語力とは」パネリスト
Lectures and oral presentations (35): -
A Regional Contribution by Promoting Intergenerational Online Communication between College Students and Elderly People
"Tuning" Self-assessment Rubrics: Focusing on Japanese Female Students' Attributes
(The Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2020) 2020)
An Attempt for Developing Global Competence: A Program to Improve L2 Writing Skills and Confidence in a Japanese Women’s Junior College
(2020 Hawaii International Conference on Education 2020)
Open Innovation Triggered by the Intergenerational Online Communication Program between College Students and Elderly People
(2020 Hawaii International Conference on Education 2020)
Development and Application of a Rubric as an Effective Self-assessment Tool: Design by Subject Characteristics
(2020 Hawaii International Conference on Education 2020)
more... Education (3): - 1992 - 1995 Dokkyo University Graduate School Graduate School of Foreign Languages Ph.D. Program in Foreign Languages (English Program)
- 1983 - 1985 University of Tsukuba Graduate School Master's Program in Education English Language Education
- 1979 - 1983 University of Tsukuba College of Humanities
Professional career (1): Return to Previous Page