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J-GLOBAL ID:200901090394851091   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024

Kawahara Shigeki

カワハラ シゲキ | Kawahara Shigeki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.ishikawa-nct.ac.jp/
Research field  (1): Sports science
Research keywords  (6): スポーツ・バイオメカニクス ,  体力 ,  スポ-ツ方法 ,  Sports Biomechanics ,  Physical fifness ,  Sports method
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2015 - 2018 Instructing program for novice rowers using a retractile light oar
  • 高専生の体力的特徴
  • 綱引き競技に関する実験的研究
  • Physical characteristics of middle-aged mountain climbers
  • Physical characteristics of College of Technolgy
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Papers (32):
  • Kitada Koji, Wada Masashi, Kawayoke Yoshikazu, Koizumi Toru, Kawahara Shigeki. Balancing Academics and Sports through Only One Project an Attempt in INCT Baseball Club. Japanese colleges of technology education journal. 2014. 37. 37. 557-562
  • Hiroh Yamamoto, Ami Ushizu, Shigeki Kawahara, Kengo Hashimoto, Matsui Kazuhiro. The changes of rowing skill through physical education class. Bulletin of the school of teacher education in Kanazawa University. 2012. 4. 4. 71-77
  • Kumazawa Eiji, Takashima Kaname, Yamagishi Hideki, Ohta Nobuko, Kawahara Shigeki, Sasaki Kaori, Matsuzaki Yoshio, Hiyoshi Noritake, Yoshioka Hideaki, Tokui Naoki, et al. Educational Projects and Effects of `Development of an Environmental Educational System through Support of Environment in our Home Province'. Japanese colleges of technology education journal. 2011. 34. 667-672
  • Ami Ushizu, Shigeki Kawahara, Hiroh Yamamoto. The learning process of uniformity skills for novice rowers. 28th International Society of Biomechanics in Sports. 2010. 751-752
  • 岩竹淳, 北田耕司, 川原繁樹, 旭吉雅健, 永澤健. 思春期後期の最大疾走能力を改善させるための技術要因. 高専教育. 2008. 31. 241-245
MISC (9):
  • 北田 耕司, 西村 外志雄, 川原 繁樹. 60A80911 各年齢層におけるシャトルランテストおよび自転車エルゴメーターによる推定最大酸素摂取量の関係. 日本体育学会大会号. 1999. 50. 476-476
  • Availability of practical effectiveness through CAI for Handball in physical Education at junior high school. Japanese Society of Physical Education. 1999
  • Characteristics of Physical Fitness and Motor Ability of INCT Students. Meroirs of Ishikawa National College of Technology. 1999. 31
  • Characteristics of Physical Fitness and Motor Ability of INCT students. Memoirs of Ishikawa National College of Technology. 1997. 29
  • The effects of muscle strength by tug of war training for growing students. Japanese Society of Physical Education. 1996
Lectures and oral presentations  (21):
  • Arduinoを用いたボート競技における計測装置の開発
    (第69回日本体育学会 2018)
  • 簡易ばねモデルの提示により身体運動構造の理解を促進させるコーチングの実践
    (平成26年度全国高専教育フォーラム 2014)
  • 疾走能力と立五段跳におけるプレス型およびスイング型ジャンプ力との関係
    (北陸体育学会紀要 2014)
  • The learning process of uniformity skills for novice rowers.
    (28th International Society of BIOMECHANICS in Sports 2010)
  • ボート競技を取り入れた体育授業実践の試み
    (第60回日本体育学会 2009)
Education (2):
  • - 1981 Kanazawa University Faculty of Education
  • - 1981 Kanazawa University Faculty of Education
Awards (2):
  • 2016/12 - 日本体育協会 公認スポーツ指導者等表彰
Association Membership(s) (2):
日本体育学会 ,  日本バイオメカニクス学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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