J-GLOBAL ID:200901090585277328
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024 Fujii Seiko
フジイ セイコ | Fujii Seiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (3):
English linguistics
, Japanese linguistics
, Linguistics
Research keywords (17):
conditional constructions
, construct-i-con
, Frame Semantics and FrameNet
, Child Language Acquisition
, modality
, pragmatic markers
, clause-linking constructions
, lexicon and construction
, ,Frame Semantics
, usage-based approach
, Construction Grammar
, Second Language Acquisition
, 語用論・談話研究
, 言語学
, Language Acquisition Research・Discourse Studies
, Pragmatics・Discourse Studies
, Linguistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12): - 2019 - Integrated Dynamic Studies of Pragmatics and Discourse Markers based on Conditional Constructions
- 2014 - 2019 Conditional Constructions: A Usage-based Construction Grammar Approach to the Uses and Acquisition
- 2010 - 2014 An Integrated Study of Lexicon and Construct-i-con: A Usage-based Construction Grammar Approach
- 2006 - 2010 『話しことば談話における文法的機能語の語用標識化 』
- 1999 - 2002 『対照意味論・対照語用論的研究の方法と理論の構築-日英語の談話における語用標識の研究-』
- 科学技術振興調整費開放的融合研究『話し言葉の言語的・パラ言語的構造の解明に基づく「話し言葉工学」の構築』
- 談話における接続表現 : 条件表現とその周辺
- Spontaneous Speech : Corpus and Processing Technology(Science and Technology Agency Priority Program, Organized Research Combination System)
- Linking constructions in Discourse : Conditionals and their neighbors
- Contrastive pragmatics and semantics : Pragmatic markers in Japanese and English discourse
- Japanese FrameNet: A Lexicon and Constructicon Building Project based on Semantic Frames and the Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese
- Japanese FrameNet: A Frame-semantic Japanese Lexicon Based on Corpus Data
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Papers (44): -
Seiko Fujii. From Insubordination to Subordination in Child Language Acquisition: A Pragmatic and Constructional Bootstrapping Account. BUCLD 46. 2022. 46. 194-202
ナラティブ・スペース理論に基づく物語の視点構造と時制表現の日英語対照分析. JSLS2021.The Japanese Society for Language Sciences. 2021
Seiko Fujii, Russell Lee-Goldman. Argument structure satisfaction via unselected adjuncts-The case of the Japanese causal node construction. Belgian Journal of Linguistics, Volume 34 (2020). 2020. 34. 79-86
Seiko Fujii, Eve Sweetser, O. David, P. Radetzky. Where metaphoric and literal meanings meet: CUT/BREAK verbs in English verb-particle constructions and Japanese compound verb constructions. 日本認知言語学会論文集. 2020. 20. 539-543
Seiko Fujii. Conditionals. The Cambridge Handbook of Japanese Linguistics. 2018. 557-584
more... MISC (38): -
Seiko Fujii. Bridging Research and Education: Toward UC Berkeley-UTokyo Collaborations. Building a Future Vision for Higher Education & Academic Research at Public Research Universities. 2922
藤井 聖子. 構文理論と言語習得. 英語青年、研究社. 2001. 147(9), 536-540. 9. 536-540,594
Construction Grammar and Language Acquisition. The Rising Generation, Kenkyusha. 2001. 147(9), 536-540
Background knowledge and constructional meanings : Japanese and English concessive conditional clause-linking construction. ┣DBPragmatics in 2000(/)-┫DB International Pragmatics Association. 2001. 2
認識的モダリティと"その周辺"との関連-文法化・多義性分析の観点から-. 『認識のモダリティとその周辺-日本語・英語・中国語の場合-』 凡人社. 2000. 52-71
more... Books (9): - 「場面と意味概念化における文脈化・その複層性」『場面と 主体性・主観性』 澤田治美・仁田義雄・山梨正明編
『場面と 主体性・主観性』 澤田治美・仁田義雄・山梨正明編 ひつじ書房 2019
- On Conditionals
『構文と意味』(澤田治美編) ひつじ書房 2012
- 「言語獲得論 -- 用法基盤・構文理論的アプローチ」『言語と哲学・心理学』
朝倉出版 2010
- 所謂「逆条件」のカテゴリー化をめぐって-日本語と英語の分析から-
言語情報科学シリーズ「言語科学」第4巻 対照言語学 東京大学出版会 2002
- Contrastive Lingustics: Japanese and Portuguese
more... Lectures and oral presentations (23): -
“Idiomaticity and regularity in grammatical constructions: What can we learn from the clause-linking construct-i-con?”
(Invited Lecture at the 29th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG). 2022)
Constructional Polysemy and Constructional Network in the Clause-linking Construct-i-con.
(The 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar. (Antwerp, Belgium) 2021)
Frame-based constructional approach to argument structure satisfaction via unselected adjuncts.
(the 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. 2019)
Where metaphoric and literal meanings meet: CUT/BREAK verbs in English verb-particle constructions and Japanese compound verb constructions.
(the 20th Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association Conference. 2019)
‘Speaking’ conditionally: A constructional approach to speech-qualification and rhetorical connectors in Japanese.
(at the 15th International Pragmatics Conference. Hong Kong. 2019)
more... Works (2): -
1999 -
Spontaneous Speech : Corpus and Processing Technology(Science and Technology Agency Priority Program, Organized Research Combination System)
1999 -
Education (2): - - 1993 University of California at Berkeley Graduate School
- University of Michigan
Professional career (2): - (BLANK) (University of California at Berkeley)
- (BLANK) (University of Michigan)
Work history (4): - - 現在 University of Tokyo, Professor Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Professor
- 1998 - 2000 National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
- 1999 - The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
- 1993 - 1997 イリノイ大学 助教授
Awards (2): - 1992 - カナダアメリカ言語学会(LACUS)最優秀論文賞
- 1990 - カリフォルニア大学バークレー校博士課程優秀賞
Association Membership(s) (8):
International Conference on Construction Grammar
, Linguistic Society of America
, 日本語教育学会
, International Cognitive Linguistics Association
, International Pragmatics Association
, The Pragmatics Society of Japan
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