今井 章, ロセッティ Y, レヴォル P. AN EXAMINATION OF HAPTIC ILLUSION BY DISK-ROTATION(3)SEPARATION OF EFFECTS OF ROTATING HAND AND HOLDING HAND. 信州大学人文科学論集 = Shinshu studies in humanities. 2019. 6. 59-69
今井 章, ロセッティ Y, レヴォル P. AN EXAMINATION OF HAPTIC ILLUSION BY DISK-ROTATION(2)INVESTIGATION OF ROTATING HAND. 信州大学人文科学論集 = Shinshu studies in humanities. 2018. 5. 41-49
今井 章, ロセッティ Y, レヴォル P. AN EXAMINATION OF HAPTIC ILLUSION BY DISK-ROTATION : CORMACK'S COIN-ROTATING HAPTIC ILLUSION REVISITED. 信州大学人文科学論集 = Shinshu studies in humanities. 2017. 4. 4. 85-91
高瀬 弘樹, 植田 奈那美, 今井 章. Effects of facial expressions on psychophysiological responses. 信州大学人文科学論集 = Shinshu studies in humanities. 2016. 3. 77-81
IMAI Akira, FUJIE Junko. Semantic activation and eye movements in the word recognition of Japanese Kana and Kanji characters. Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. 2008. 2008. 0. 126-126
TOKUMASU Wakano, IMAI Akira, SHIMAZAKI Hiroshi. The effects of depth of processing and number of orienting tasks on the explicit memories measured by free recall, recognition, and cued recall tests. The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science. 2008. 26. 2. 149-157
IMAI Akira, SHIMAZAKI Hiroshi, HONDA Hitoshi. Relations between apparent movement and eye activities (2) Detailed analyses of smoothness, coherence, and dimensionality of perceived motion. Studies in humanities Human sciences. 2007. 41. 41. 47-60
Magnetoencephalographic correlates of beta movement: An event-related field study of apparent motion perception
(The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association 2018)