Job title:
Associate Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2017 - 2023 符号構成のための代数曲線の探求とその規則性の解明
2013 - 2017 Research on algebraic curves in coding theory
Papers (15):
Annamaria Iezzi, Motoko Kawakita, Marco Timpanella. New sextics of genus 6 and 10 attaining the Serre bound. Advances in Geometry. 2024. 24. 1. 99-109
Massimo Giulietti, Motoko Kawakita, Stefano Lia, Maria Montanucci. An Fp2-maximal Wiman sextic and its automorphisms. Advances in Geometry. 2021. 21. 4. 451-461