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J-GLOBAL ID:200901092688727235   Update date: Mar. 09, 2025

Hada Masahiko

ハダ マサヒコ | Hada Masahiko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (2): http://www.comp.tmu.ac.jp/qc/index-e.htmlhttp://www.comp.tmu.ac.jp/qc/
Research field  (3): Thin-film surfaces and interfaces ,  Biochemistry ,  Basic physical chemistry
Research keywords  (13): 核磁気共鳴スペクトル ,  磁気物性 ,  相対論的量子化学 ,  表面触媒化学 ,  分子の励起状態 ,  量子化学 ,  MCD ,  NMR ,  molecular magnetic property ,  Relativistic Quantum Chemistry ,  Surface Catalitic Chemistry ,  Chemistry in excited states ,  Quantum Chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (38):
  • 2021 - 2024 Development of relativistic electron correlation method toward actinide compounds
  • 2021 - 2023 ランタノイド金属を含む低配位金属錯体から成る単一イオン磁石への計算化学的研究
  • 2021 - 2023 ランタノイド金属を含む低配位金属錯体から成る単一イオン磁石への計算化学的研究
  • 2019 - 2023 核シッフモーメントの電子遮蔽効果:相対論的量子化学計算による高精度予測
  • 2017 - 2020 高次相対論とQED補正を含んだ電子相関理論に基づく電磁気分子物性の高精度計算
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Papers (147):
  • Kaho Ueda, Wataru Sato, Sachiko Yanagisawa, Minoru Kubo, Masahiko Hada, Hiroshi Fujii. Resonance Raman study of oxoiron(IV) porphyrin π-cation radical complex: Porphyrin ligand effect on ν(Fe=O) frequency. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 2024. 255. 112544-112544
  • Nan He, Naoki Nakatani, Masahiko Hada. How does multi-reference computation change the catalysis chemistry? DFT and CASPT2 studies of the Cu-catalysed coupling reactions between aryl iodides and β-diketones. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. 2023. 25. 42. 28871-28884
  • Yuri Katogi, Ayano Okamoto, Masahiko Hada, Hiroshi Fujii. Characterization and Reactivity of an Incredibly Reactive Intermediate in the Protonation Reaction of Dioxo-Manganese(V) Porphyrin with Acid. ACS Catalysis. 2023. 4842-4852
  • Salmahaminati, Akiko Inagaki, Masahiko Hada, Minori Abe. Density Functional Study on the Photopolymerization of Styrene Using Dinuclear Ru-Pd and Ir-Pd Complexes with Naphthyl-Substituted Ligands. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2023. 127. 12. 2810-2818
  • Kaito Nomiya, Naoki Nakatani, Naofumi Nakayama, Hitoshi Goto, Masayuki Nakagaki, Shigeyoshi Sakaki, Masaki Yoshida, Masako Kato, Masahiko Hada. Theoretical Study on the Vapochromic Ni(II)-Quinonoid Complex: One-Dimensional Stacking Structure-Based Color Switching. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2022. 126. 42. 7687-7694
MISC (81):
Books (3):
  • Catalytic Reactions of Transition Metal Clusters and Surfaces from Ab-Initio Theory-Cluster and Dipped Adcluster Model Studys Combined with the SAC/SAC-CI Method-
    Metal-Ligand Interactions : from Atoms to Clusters to Surfaces, Kluwer Academic 1992
  • Theoretical Study on the Catalytic Activities of Palladium for the Hydrogenation Reaction of Acetylene
    Quantum Chemistry : The Challenge of Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry, ASI Series, Reidel, Dordrecht 1986
  • Multi-Reference Cluster Expansion Theory and an Interaction of Hydrogen Molecule with Palladium
    The Proceeding of the Nobel Laureate Symposium on Applied Quantum Chemistry, ed. by V. H. Smith Jr. , Reidel Dordrecht 1986
Education (4):
  • - 1986 Kyoto University
  • - 1986 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
  • - 1981 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
  • - 1981 Kyoto University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D
Association Membership(s) (4):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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