J-GLOBAL ID:200901092771870643
Update date: Jan. 03, 2025 Kobayashi Tatsuo
コバヤシ タツオ | Kobayashi Tatsuo
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (30):
, 超弦理論
, 素粒子論
, 質量行列
, 素粒子(理論)
, フレーバー対称性
, 超対称性の破れ
, 湯川結合
, フレーバー
, 素
, 弦理論
, 余剰次元
, 素粒子の質量
, くり込み群
, 標準模型
, 超対称の破れ
, モジュライ
, ニュートリノ
, 超重力理論
, 大統一理論
, 世代構造
, E_6大統一理論
, オービフォルド
, 超弦模型
, ニュートリノ振動
, 暗黒物質
, 超対称弦
, レプジェネシス
, Leptogenesis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (17): - 2019 - 2021 湯川結合とコンパクト空間
- 2017 - 2019 超弦理論におけるモジュライの物理について
- 2014 - 2018 Quest for the Ultimate Theory in terms of rich cosmophysical phenomena caused by fields and particles in the hidden sector
- 2012 - 2015 Towards Unified Theories Beyond the Standard Model
- 2013 - 2015 Low-energy effective field theory in realistic superstring thoery
- 2010 - 2014 The exploration of extradimensions in terms of a variety of cosmophysical phenomena caused by axionic moduli
- 2008 - 2011 Origin of Generations of Elementary Particles and Grand Unified Theories
- 2008 - 2011 Study on phenomenological aspects in superstring theory
- 2008 - 2010 弦理論のコンパクト化と現象論的性質についての研究
- 2004 - 2009 Impact of LHC on building physics beyond the standard model
- 2005 - 2007 String-derived flavor structures and their phenomenological aspects
- 2004 - 2007 World with Extra Dimensions and Unified Theory of Elementary Particles
- 2004 - 2005 現実的湯川行列を導く機構とその超対称性の破れの項への影響
- 2002 - 2003 Flavor structure leading to hierarchical Yukawa couplings and Supersymmetry breaking
- 2000 - 2003 ニュートリノ振動をめぐる理論的諸問題
- 超対称性の破れと超弦理論の現象論的性質
- Supersymmetry Breaking and Superstring Phenomenology
Show all
Papers (258): -
Tatsuo Kobayashi, Hajime Otsuka, Shohei Takada, Hikaru Uchida. Modular symmetry of localized modes. Physical Review D. 2024. 110. 12
Tatsuo Kobayashi, Hajime Otsuka. Non-invertible flavor symmetries in magnetized extra dimensions. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2024. 2024. 11
Tetsutaro Higaki, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Kaito Nasu, Hajime Otsuka. Spontaneous CP violation and partially broken modular flavor symmetries. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2024. 2024. 9
Keiya Ishiguro, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Satsuki Nishimura, Hajime Otsuka. Modular forms and hierarchical Yukawa couplings in heterotic Calabi-Yau compactifications. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2024. 2024. 8
Keiya Ishiguro, Takafumi Kai, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Hajime Otsuka. Flux Landscape with enhanced symmetry not on SL(2, Z) elliptic points. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2024. 2024. 2
more... MISC (355): -
Shota Kikuchi, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Kaito Nasu, Hajime Otsuka, Shohei Takada, Hikaru Uchida. Remark on modular weights in low-energy effective field theory from type II string theory. Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023. 2023. 4
Shota Kikuchi, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Kaito Nasu, Shohei Takada, Hikaru Uchida. Quark hierarchical structures in modular symmetric flavor models at level 6. 2023
Kouki Hoshiya, Shota Kikuchi, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Hikaru Uchida. Quark and lepton flavor structure in magnetized orbifold models at residual modular symmetric points. 2022
Shota Kikuchi, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Morimitsu Tanimoto, Hikaru Uchida. Mass matrices with CP phase in modular flavor symmetry. 2022
Shota Kikuchi, Tatsuo Kobayashi, Kaito Nasu, Hajime Otsuka, Shohei Takada, Hikaru Uchida. Modular symmetry of soft supersymmetry breaking terms. 2022
more... Books (5): - An introduction to non-Abelian discrete symmetries for particle physicists
Springer-Verlag 2012 ISBN:9783642308048
- Particle physics beyond the standard model : proceedings of the 16th Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS2008), January 26- March 25, 2009, Kyoto, Japan
Progress of Theoretical Physics 2009
- 弦理論から導かれるフレーバー構造とその現象論的性質に関する研究
[小林達夫] 2008
- 湯川結合の階層構造を導き出す機構と超対称性の破れ
[小林達夫] 2004
- Zn軌道体模型の幾何学的, 現象論的性質
小林達夫 1991
Education (4): - - 1991 Kanazawa University
- - 1991 Kanazawa University Graduate School, Division of National Science and Technology
- - 1986 Saitama University Faculty of Science
- - 1986 Saitama University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1): - Ph. D, Master of Science (Kanazawa University)
Association Membership(s) (1): Return to Previous Page