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J-GLOBAL ID:200901092778555816   Update date: Nov. 16, 2020


ホザック イアン | IAN HOSACK
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Other affiliations (1):
Research keywords  (1): citizenship education; foreign language education; intercultural competence; content-based instruction
Papers (11):
  • Ian Trevelyan Hosack. Japanese High-School English Teachers as Citizenship Educators: An Exploratory Study PhD Thesis, University of York. 2018. 1-371
  • Ian Hosack. 'Citizenship and Language Education in Japanese High schools', in P. Cunningham & N. Fretwell (Eds.) (2012) 'Creating Communities: Local, National & Global'. CiCe. 2012. 132-144
  • Ian Hosack. Reimagining Japanese Education: Borders, Transfers, Circulations and the Comparative. Edited by D.B.Willis and J. Rappleye. British Journal of Educational Studies. 2011. 59. 4. 493-495
  • Ian Hosack. English language teachers as citizenship educators: Playing a role in Japanese high schools. Ritsumeikan Social Sciences Review. 2011. 47. 2. 1-21
  • Ian Hosack. Foreign language teaching for global citizenship. Policy Science. 2011. 18. 3. 125-140
MISC (1):
  • Ian Hosack. International education policy in Japan in an age of globalisation and risk. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES. 2013. 61. 3. 366-369
Lectures and oral presentations  (13):
  • Exploring Japanese English Teachers' Beliefs about their Role as Citizenship Educators
    (11th International CitizED Conference 2015)
  • Promoting Citizenship through Language Education: What Role for Japanese Teachers of English?
    (International Forum on Peace Education 2014)
  • 'More than just language': How Japanese English teachers are contributing to citizenship education in Japan's high schools
    (9th International CitizED Conference 2013)
  • Citizenship and language education in Japanese high schools
    (Fourteenth Annual CiCe Network Conference/Eighth CitizED Conference/First Creating Citizenship Communities Conference 2012)
  • Deliberative Polls for the Classroom: A Report from Japan
    (9th IACSEE International Conference 2011)
Education (3):
  • - 2019 University of York, UK Department of Education
  • - 2005 University of Southern Queensland Faculty of Education Applied Linguistics
  • - 1994 University of Sheffield Japanese Studies
Professional career (4):
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (University of York, UK)
  • Master of Applied Linguistics (University of Southern Queensland)
  • MA Japanese Studies (University of Sheffield)
  • BA (Hons) Politics and Modern History (University of Manchester)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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