Research field (2):
Human interfaces and interactions
, Database science
Research keywords (6):
, 画像処理
, パターン認識
, character recognition
, image processing
, Pattern recognition
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
2023 - 2025 類似魚も対応可能な高速な魚自動選別ラインの開発
2020 - 2021 魚市場での魚種選別のための深層学習を用いた魚画像認識技術の開発
2015 - 2018 Development of real environment character string recognition method that can handle curved character strings
2011 - 2013 Development of shape normalization method of character that received perspective distortion
2008 - 2010 Development of a character information service system for a real world by using character recognition.
2007 - 2007 実環境OCRのための射影歪み補正方法の開発と評価
2006 - 2007 Development of a Compact Hybrid Type Underwater Vehicle for Shallow Water Area
2004 - 2007 Simultaneous measurement of multi points using circular dynamic stereoscopy
2000 - 2002 Investigation of the force and shape of the unit particle in the plasma using laser tweezers
1999 - 2002 Development of three-dimensional measuring system of velocity distribution using circular shifting
2000 - 2001 一括認識法による手書き日本語単語の高精度認識に関する研究
1999 - 2001 Development of three-dimensional measuring system for particle movement and the application for environmental inspection.
1997 - 1998 文書画像からの文字列の抽出と認識に関する研究
1996 - 1996 地図画像からの文字の切出しと認識に関する研究
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Papers (26):
Ayaka NANRI†, Osamu SHIKU, Yuji TESHIMA, Kazuyuki KANEDA. Recognition of Horse Mackerel and Mackerel Using Point Clouds for Automatic Fish Sorting. 2023. 52. 4. 531-538
Kazuyuki Kaneda, Akira Akinaga, Yuji Teshima, Hideki Shimada, Osamu Shiku. Automatic normality estimation of 3D printers using peeling sounds. 11th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE). 2022. 95-96
Kazuyuki Kaneda, Tatsuya Ooba, Hideki Shimada, Osamu Shiku, Yuji Teshima. Estimation method of calorie intake by deep learning using depth images obtained through a single camera smartphone. 10th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE). 2021. 874-875
Kazuyuki Kaneda, Shintarou Inoguchi, Hideki Shimada, Osamu Shiku, Yuji Teshima. An estimation method of calorie intake using photograph and depth image of dishes in medical facilities. 2020 IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, GCCE 2020. 2020. 572-574
Kazuyuki Kaneda, Shintarou Inoguchi, Hideki Shimada, Osamu Shiku, Yuji Teshima. An estimation method of calorie intake using photograph and depth image of dishes in medical facilities. 9th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics(GCCE). 2020. 572-574
Kaneda Kazuyuki, Maeda Takanobu, Shiku Osamu, Shimada Hideki, Shigematsu Toshinobu, Sakaguchi Akihiro, Nakahara Katsutoshi. Education Project using one's Knowledge in the Department of Control Engineering at Sasebo National College of Technology. Japanese colleges of technology education journal. 2012. 35. 37-42
KANEDA Kazuyuki, SHIKU Osamu, SHIMADA Hideki, SAKAGUCHI Akihiro, MAEDA Takanobu, SHIGEMATSU Toshinobu. P-33 An approach of the increasing number of applicant by using the public activities. Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Engineering Education. 2008. 2008. 0. 740-741
A Method for Character String Extraction Using Local and Global Segment Densities. IPSJ JOURNAL
A method for Handwittern Japanese Ward Recognition Based on Holistic Strategy. IPSJ JOURNAL