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J-GLOBAL ID:200901093987031600   Update date: Dec. 20, 2024

Chiba Yasunori

チバ ヤスノリ | Chiba Yasunori
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Director
Homepage URL  (2): https://unit.aist.go.jp/cmb5/index.htmlhttps://unit.aist.go.jp/cmb5/en/index.html
Research field  (3): Applied microbiology ,  Functional biochemistry ,  Structural biochemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2014 - 2017 Molecular breeding of the yeast Ogataea minuta to which genetical methods are applicable
  • ヒト適応型糖鎖を生産する酵母の分子育種
Papers (73):
  • Maki Sogabe, Shun Kojima, Takatoshi Kaya, Azusa Tomioka, Hiroyuki Kaji, Takashi Sato, Yasunori Chiba, Akira Shimizu, Nana Tanaka, Nao Suzuki, et al. Sensitive New Assay System for Serum Wisteria floribunda Agglutinin-Reactive Ceruloplasmin That Distinguishes Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma from Endometrioma. Analytical chemistry. 2022. 94. 5. 2476-2484
  • Sogabe Maki, Kojima Shun, Kaya Takatoshi, Kaji Hiroyuki, Sato Takashi, Chiba Yasunori, Suzuki Nao, Hayashi Io, Mikami Mikio, Togayachi Akira, et al. Development of serum marker for ovarian clear cell carcinoma; construction of WFA+-celluloplasmin assay system using recombinant modified lectin and surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy. Japan Journal of Molecular Tumor Marker Research. 2022. 37. 45-46
  • Takehiko Yoko-O, Akiko Komatsuzaki, Erina Yoshihara, Song Zhao, Mariko Umemura, Xiao-Dong Gao, Yasunori Chiba. Regulation of alcohol oxidase gene expression in methylotrophic yeast Ogataea minuta. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering. 2021. 132. 5. 437-444
  • Takehiko Yoko-o, Yasunori Chiba. Glycobiology of Yeast: Applications to Glycoprotein Expression and Remodeling. Comprehensive Glycoscience. 2021. 55-73
  • Minori Kanzaki, Takahiro Tsukimura, Yasunori Chiba, Hitoshi Sakuraba, Tadayasu Togawa. Surface plasmon resonance analysis of complex formation of therapeutic recombinant lysosomal enzymes with domain 9 of human cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor. Molecular genetics and metabolism reports. 2020. 25. 100639-100639
MISC (63):
  • 林優, 柏木寛史, 池田仁惠, 曽我部万紀, 小島駿, 彼谷高敏, 佐藤隆, 千葉靖典, 久保田智己, 梶裕之, et al. 糖鎖バイオマーカーWFA+-ceruloplasminによる卵巣明細胞癌早期診断の可能性. 日本エンドメトリオーシス学会プログラム・抄録集. 2021. 42nd
  • 栂谷内晶, 栂谷内晶, 曽我部万紀, 梶裕之, 佐藤隆, 千葉靖典, 久保田智己, 久野敦, 鈴木直, 林優, et al. グライコプロテオミクス技術を基盤とした血清糖鎖バイオマーカー開発戦略と実用化研究. 日本生化学会大会(Web). 2021. 94th
  • 曽我部万紀, 小島駿, 彼谷高敏, 梶裕之, 佐藤隆, 千葉靖典, 鈴木直, 林優, 三上幹男, 栂谷内晶, et al. Development of serum marker for ovarian clear cell carcinoma; construction of WFA+-celluloplasmin assay system using recombinant modified lectin and surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy. 日本分子腫瘍マーカー研究会プログラム・講演抄録. 2021. 41st
  • 曽我部万紀, 小島駿, 彼谷高敏, 佐藤隆, 千葉靖典, 林優, 池田仁惠, 久保田智己, 梶裕之, 成松久, et al. Construction and validation of automatic measurement system for WFA+-ceruloplasmin, a clear cell ovarian cancer glycobiomarker. 日本糖質学会年会要旨集. 2020. 39th
  • 千葉靖典, 清水明, 佐藤隆, 舘野浩章, 久保田智巳, 宇津井隆志, 松尾一郎, 成松久. 組換え型ノダフジレクチンの酵母Ogataea minutaでの発現と特性解析. 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集. 2017. 69th. 328
Work history (2):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Research Institute Director
  • 2020/04 - 2022/03 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本糖質学会 ,  日本農芸化学会 ,  日本生化学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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