J-GLOBAL ID:200901094009443692
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Kikuchi Rina
キクチ リナ | Kikuchi Rina
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Other affiliations (2): Research field (1):
Literature - General
Research keywords (8):
modern and contemporary women's poetry
, gender studies
, war poetry
, Comparative literature
, Translation studies
, contemporary Irish poetry
, contemporary Australian women's poetry
, modern and contemporary Japanese literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8): - 2015 - 2019 Gender and Politics in Japanese women's poetry in the 1920s and 30s
- 2016 - 2019 Gender and Politics in Japanese women's poetry in the 1920s and 30s (Fostering Joint International Research)
- 2015 - 2018 20世紀前期の帝国日本における教養の知と技をめぐる実学リテラシー研究
- 2015 - 2016 左川ちかを中心とした女性詩に関する研究
- 2015 - Gender and Ideology in Japanese women's poetry of the Asia-Pacific War
- 2012 - 2015 Cultural Studies of the Higer Commercial School in the 20th century Imperial Japan
- 2008 - 2009 Contemporary Irish Poetry
- 2008 - 2009 Studies on Diversity, Identities and Traditions in Contemporary Irish Poetry
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Papers (64): -
Harumi Kawaguchi, Rina Kikuchi. Speical Issue on Kawaguchi Harumi and Sisterhood. 2023. 16-27
Rina Kikuchi. The Importance of Creating Safe Space: The Special Issue on Poetry, Gender and Feminism, My/Our Voices (August 2022), Gendaishi Techo, Contemporary Poetry Journal from Japan. 2023. 434. 16-32
菊地利奈. 「女性詩」不要な社会をめざして. 現代詩手帖(【特集】わたし/たちの声 詩、ジェンダー、フェミニズム). 2022. 8. 75-76
伊藤比呂美, 菊地利奈, 柴田元幸, 栩木伸明, 藤井一乃, 四元康裕. 詩の翻訳、詩になる翻訳. 文學界. 2022. 3月. 218-232
菊地利奈. 私たちが帰る場所. 現代詩手帖. 2021. 64. 6
more... MISC (8): -
菊地利奈. 書評「私たちか帰る場所」. 現代詩手帖. 2021. 64. 6
菊地利奈. 書評『Cultural Hybrids of (Post) Modernism, Japanese and Western Litera¬ture, Art and Philosophy』eds. Beatriz Penas-Ibáñez & Akiko Manabe. 『彦根論叢』. 2017. 414. 132-134
Organizer Paul Munden, Co-organizer Rina Kikuchi. ‘Poetry Reading’ at Gorman House, featuring Ito Hiromi and Suga Keijiro, co-organizer. Poetry on the Move Festival, Gorman Housa, Canberra. 2017
Organizer, Rina Kikuchi. International Symposium on Poetry and Translation: Women, Politics, Displacement. 2017
菊地利奈. 書評『島で-ハンセン病療養所の百年』. 彦根論叢411号. 2017. 411. 84-87
more... Books (7): - Sagawa Chika - The Star of the Japanese Modernist Poetry-
2023 ISBN:4309031439
- Selected translations of Sagawa Chika's poems
Shichosha 2023 ISBN:9784783745181
- Factory Girls by Arai Takako
- Pleasant Troubles
Recent Work Press 2018 ISBN:0648257975
- Poet to Poet: Contemporary Women Poets from Japan
Recent Work Press 2017 ISBN:9780648087854
more... Lectures and oral presentations (59): -
As If by Magic: The Importance of Reading/Translating Women/Poetry
(IASIL 2023)
Witches’ Curse and Awakening of Women: To Deconstruct the (cis-hetero-men-dominated) World
(EAJS Conference 2023)
Japan UK Poetry Exchange -Kyoto-
(Japan UK Poetry Exchange 2023)
Translatioin Workshop with Rina Kikuchi & Jen Crawford
(Poetry on the Move 2022 2022)
Voices in Translation Reading at Poetry on the Move 2022
(Poetry on the Move 2022 2022)
more... Works (3): -
菊地利奈 2016 -
2007 - 2008
2007 -
Education (6): Professional career (3): - Master of Arts in Comparative Literary Theory (University of Warwick)
- PhD in Literature (Chiba University)
- M.A in Literature (Chiba University)
Work history (6): - 2020/01 - 現在 Shiga University Faculty of Economics professor
- 2018/12 - 現在 University of Canberra Faculty of Arts & Design Adjunct Associate Professor
- 2007/04 - 2019/12 Shiga University Faculty of Economics Associate Professor
- 2016/08 - 2019/07 Australian National University College of Asia and the Pacific visiting fellow
- 2017/05 - 2018/11 University of Canberra Faculty of Arts & Design visiting fellow
- 2005/03/01 - 2007/03/31 Shiga University Faculty of Economics Associate Professor (as old post name)
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Committee career (4): - 2016/12 - 現在 Poetry on the Move(国際詩祭) その他の役職
- 2016 - 2017 インターナショナルシンポジウム「Poetry and Translation: Women, Politics, Displacement」 その他の役職
- 2016/07 - 日英翻訳詩歌朗読講演会 会員
- 2000 - 日本アイルランド協会 その他の役職
Awards (2): - 2021/10 - RMIT University Writer in Residence at WrICE (Writers Immersion and Cultural Exchange)
- 2018 - National Library of Australia (オーストラリア国立図書館) ASIA STUDY GRANT (Honorary Grant)
Association Membership(s) (4):
IASIL International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures
, 日本アイルランド協会
, EAJS European Association for Japanese Studies
, JSAA Japanese Studies Association of Australia
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