J-GLOBAL ID:200901094243727432
Update date: Oct. 16, 2024 Zhu Ning
シュ ニン | Zhu Ning
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): http://www.sist.ac.jp/me/zhu/ Research field (1):
Thermal engineering
Research keywords (4):
, ナノバブル
, 伝熱
, BDF合成
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10): - 2021 - 2024 Creation of Environment Type Solid Catalyst and BDF Synthesis based on Ultrasound and Microwave with High Efficiency and Its Application
- 2016 - 2019 環境調和型超音波照射法によるバイオディーゼル燃料の合成とNOx低減技術の検討
- 2013 - 2015 ナノレベルの超精密平面加工用工作機械におけるボールねじの熱膨張と微振動の抑制
- 2014 - 空調装置の流動性改善
- 2013 - ヒートショック装置の流動性改善
- 2009 - 2012 ペルチェモジュールによりモータ冷却する精密位置決め装置の熱変形ドリフト低減
- 2007 - 2008 Highly Efficient Synthesis of BDF by Using Ultrasonic Sonochemistry Effect and its Application
- 2007 - 自動車部品の非接触計測
- 2006 - 自動車部品の非接触計測
- 2006 - 超音波ソノケミストリ効果を利用したバイオディーゼル燃料(BDF)の高効率合成と応用
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Papers (91): -
Y. Takeuchi, N. Zhu, K. Amano, K. Fukuda. Hydrogen Generation based on Chemical Reaction and its Application. The Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering (JRAME). 2024. 24-12-027. 1-14
J.Liang, Y.Jiang, N.Zhu. BDF Synthesis using Clamshell as Ecofriendly Catalyst. The Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering (JRAME). 2024. 24-12-025. 1-8
Y. Takeuchi, N. Zhu, K. Amano, K. Fukuda. Hydrogen Generation based on Chemical Reaction and its Application. Proceedings of The 13th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering. 2023. AEC0016
Y.Jiang, J.Liang, N.Zhu. BDF Synthesis using Clamshell as Ecofriendly Catalyst. Proceedings of The 13th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering. 2023. AEC0015
Mitsuki Kumeyama, Ning Zhu. Synthesis of BDF Based on Microwave Irradiation and Its Application. Proceedings of The 12th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering. 2023. AEC0020
more... MISC (39): -
Zhu Ning, Ohtsuka Jiro, Nozaki Takashi, Nakata Atusshi, Nishide Tetsuhiro, Togashi Tsutomu. A232 Cooling Positioning Device by Water Circulation. Procee[d]ings of Thermal Engineering Conference. 2015. 2015. "A232-1"-"A232-2"
MATSUURA Takeru, ZHU Ning. 403 Construction of small type solar power generation system. 2013. 2013. 62. 211-212
Otsuka Jiro, Yoshida Masashi, Nozaki Takashi, Toake Yasushi. Consideration of TOMOGANE in some kinds of mechanical elements. Proceedings of JSPE Semestrial Meeting. 2013. 2013. 0. 827-828
Zhu Ning, Yamazaki Junn, Tsuchiya Takashi, Shi Aiping. I224 High Efficient Bio-diesel Fuel(BDF) Synthesis Based on Solid Base by Ultrasonic Irradiation method and its Application. Procee[d]ings of Thermal Engineering Conference. 2012. 2012. 489-490
Suzuki Ryuutarou, Taneishi kennichi, Zhu Ning, Yukihira Kennichi, Hashimoto Yuuji, Syouda Reiji. H211 Development of Water-cooling Hydraulic Cylinder. Procee[d]ings of Thermal Engineering Conference. 2012. 2012. 455-456
more... Patents (1): Books (2): - 科学技術フロンティアー超音波CTを用いた3D温度分布の計測
中国科学技術出版社 2003
- インフォーメイション・テクノロジーガイドブック
Lectures and oral presentations (44): -
(日本伝熱学会東海支部73期総会・講演会 2024)
(日本機械学会東海支部第73期総会・講演会 2024)
マイクロ波・超音波照射による BDF の合成
(日本機械学会東海支部第55回卒業研究発表講演会 2024)
(日本機械学会東海支部第 55 回学生員卒業研究発表講演会 2024)
BDF Sysnthesys based on Ultrsound and Microwave Irradiation and Application
(International Conferrence on Green Enegy and Manufactruing(Nantong Institute of Technology) 2023)
more... Education (3): - - 1996 Mie University
- - 1996 Mie University
- - 1989 清華大学 熱能工程系
Professional career (2): Awards (8): Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本伝熱学会
, 日本機械学会
, 静岡理工科大学金型研究会
, 先端精密技術研究会
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