Research field (3):
Quantum beam science
, Applied physics - general
, Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (15):
2022 - 2026 Exploration of the Origin of Life in the Universe and New Developments in Fusion Science Using Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Magnetic Confinement Devices
2020 - 2023 放射光の位相構造制御法の開発
2018 - 2021 Delbruck scattering using linearly polarized gamma-rays
2018 - 2021 Establishment of Isotope 3D imaging by LCS-NRF Method
2017 - 2020 渦放射光発生技術の高度化と利用への展開
2014 - 2017 Study on 3D-CT Isotope Imaging by NRF
2014 - 2017 シンクロトロン放射による真空紫外コヒーレント光渦ビームの発生
2011 - 2014 超狭帯域真空紫外コヒーレント放射光源の開発
2008 - 2013 リング型光源とレーザーを用いた光発生とその応用
2008 - 2011 電子ビームのレーザー微細加工によるコヒーレント光発生
2005 - 2008 レーザーと電子ビームを用いたテラヘルツコヒーレント放射光の生成
2007 - 2008 Study on the beam dynamics issues in the next-generation synchrotron light sources based on the energy-recovery linacs
2003 - 2005 電子蓄積リングによる遠赤外コヒーレント放射光の生成
2000 - 2000 中型光源による放射光科学の新機軸-北日本における研究ネットワークの構築-
Study on Synchrotron Light Source
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Papers (123):
Masahiro KOBAYASHI, Shinji YOSHIMURA, Hiroshi IWAYAMA, Naonori KONDO, Jun-ichi TAKAHASHI, Hiroshi OTA, Masahiro KATOH, Kensei KOBAYASHI, Hiroaki NAKAMURA. First Attempt at Photoionized Plasma Production with VUV Radiation in Synchrotron Light Source UVSOR-III. Plasma and Fusion Research. 2024. 19. 1301028-1301028
M. Katoh, H. Ota, J. Yamazaki, K. Hayashi, Y. Okano, E. Salehi, Y. Taira, A. Mano, M. Fujimoto, Y. Takashima, et al. Light source developments at UVSOR BL1U. JACoW Publishing. 2023
Takao Fuji, Tatsuo Kaneyasu, Masaki Fujimoto, Yasuaki Okano, Elham Salehi, Masahito Hosaka, Yoshifumi Takashima, Atsushi Mano, Yasumasa Hikosaka, Shin-ichi Wada, et al. Spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction of synchrotron radiation. Optica. 2023. 10. 2. 302-302
E Salehi, Y Taira, M Fujimoto, L Guo, M. Katoh. Lattice design of the UVSOR-IV storage ring. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2023. 2420. 1. 012062-012062
GUO Lei, 山口尚登, 山本将博, 松井文彦, WANG Gaoxue, LIU Fangze, YANG Ping, BATISTA Enrique R., MOODY Nathan A., 高嶋圭史, et al. Graphene as Reusable Substrate for Thin Film Photocathodes. 加速器. 2021. 18. 3