J-GLOBAL ID:200901094406868519
Update date: Feb. 09, 2025 Iso Hiroyasu
イソ ヒロヤス | Iso Hiroyasu
Affiliation and department: Research field (3):
Healthcare management, medical sociology
, Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
Research keywords (7):
, 循環器疾患の予防のための健康教育プログラムの開発と評価
, 特に血液・凝固線溶系因子についての疫学研究
, 循環器疾患の新しい危険因子
, Nutritional epidemiology on cardiovascular disease
, Development and evaluation of health education programs for prevention of cardiovascular disease
, Epidemiologic study on hemostatic variables and cardiovascular disease
Research theme for competitive and other funds (94): - 2022 - 2027 ポジティブ心理健康資源と認知症発症の関連とメカニズム解明に関する観察・介入研究
- 2021 - 2027 Social Determinants of Dementia, Healthy Aging and Well-being: Examining positive Health Assets and Resilience factors
- 2021 - 2026 Pooled analyses of large cohort studies for evidence of dementia prevention
- 2021 - 2024 早期動脈硬化指標による血糖変動、前糖尿病発症・糖尿病の発症予測に関する疫学研究
- 2020 - 2024 Social epidemiological study to understand the effect on health of women and children related to family-environmental factors
- 2018 - 2023 母親及び小児の尿中バイオマーカーと高血圧・糖尿病への進展に関するコホート研究
- 2020 - 2022 Bioethics in AI - Overall Perspective and Direction for Future Researches in This Field
- 2019 - 2022 Effects of work-family conflict on mental and cardiometabolic profiles and sleep disorders among Japanese and Egyptian civil workers
- 2018 - 2022 The evaluation for long-term effects of the health counselling to accelerate referral to local physicians and the assessment of AI programmed tools to support the health counselling
- 2018 - 2022 Epidemiological analyses for the impact of bacterial and virus infection to the occurrence of dementia by long-term cohort studies
- 2018 - 2021 早期動脈硬化の諸指標による循環器疾患発症予測に関するコホート研究
- 2017 - 2021 A Collaborative cohort study for identification of changeable risk and preventive factors for disabling dementia
- 2017 - 2020 Epidemiological study on the elaboration of the prediction of cerebral infarction by autoantibody markers
- 2017 - 2020 Development of evidence for personalized prevention based on genetic analyses of various diseases in a large-scale cohort study.
- 2017 - 2020 Social epidemiological research on social inequalities in health among women
- 2015 - 2020 Social connectedness, social capital and healthy aging in community dwelling older population in Okinawa and Japan
- 2016 - 2019 The mechanism of sex differences in the association between psychosocial factors and atherosclerosis
- 2015 - 2018 Longitudinal study on the associations of eating behaviors with risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among workers in the urban areas
- 2015 - 2018 The epidemiological study for serum trans fatty acids and the incident coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.
- 2015 - 2018 Sleep apnea in relation to development of renal dysfunction and cardiovascular disease: Regional cohort study
- 2014 - 2018 An epidemiological study on the effects of soluble Fas and IGF -1 to the onset and prognosis of hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease in Japan
- 2014 - 2018 Social Epidemiology to investigate the process from social environments and individual factors to risk of dementia
- 2014 - 2017 Social epidemiological research on the health effect and mechanisms of gender norm.
- 2013 - 2017 Urinary oxidative stress marker and ischemic cardiovascular disease: a general population based nested case-control study
- 2013 - 2016 Evaluation of fish-related biomarkers in the impact on risk of coronary heart disease in the general population
- 2012 - 2015 Vascular endothelial dysfunction and hypertension in general population
- 2012 - 2015 Epidemiological study of urine biomarkers that contribute to the prevention of chronic disease in childhood
- 2012 - 2015 The epidemiological study of the new specific predictor for coronary heart disease
- 2015 - 多目的コホートに基づくがん予防など健康の維持・増進に役立つエビデンスの構築に関する研究
- 2015 - 日本人の味覚感度の現状と血圧値、食嗜好、外食習慣との関連についての疫学的研究
- 2010 - 2014 Trends in Bio-Psycho-Social Risk Factors for Hypertension and Its Prevention in Japan
- 2014 - 血管内皮機能障害と高血圧発症・進展に関する疫学研究
- 2014 - 魚関連バイオマーカーと虚血清心疾患の発症抑制・促進に関するコホート研究
- 2014 - コホート研究における循環器疾患関連要因に関する研究及び茨城地域におけるコホート構築
- 2014 - 離島・農村地域における効果的な生活習慣病対策の運用と展開に関する研究
- 2014 - 子どもの健康と環境に関する全国調査(エコチル調査)
- 2011 - 2013 Epidemiological study on soluble Fas as a apoptotic factor and IGF-1 as a cellular growth factor in relation to hemorragic cerebrovascular diseases
- 2011 - 2013 Mortality trends and risk factors of stroke and ischemic heart disease in Japanese and Chinese population.
- 2011 - 2013 Research on interactive effect of global environment and individual determinants of health
- 2011 - 2013 Relations between urinary biomarkers and risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in Japanese men and women
- 2013 - 魚関連バイオマーカーと虚血清心疾患の発症抑制・促進に関するコホート研究
- 2013 - 離島・農村地域における効果的な生活習慣病対策の運用と展開に関する研究
- 2013 - 子どもの健康と環境に関する全国調査(エコチル調査)
- 2013 - 大規模コホート共同研究の発展による危険因子管理の優先順位の把握と個人リスク評価に関するエビデンスの構築
- 2013 - 特定健診・保健指導におけるメタボリックシンドロームの診断・管理のエビデンス創出に関する横断・縦断研究
- 2013 - 社会心理要因から循環器疾患に至るプロセス解明のための社会・健康科学融合研究
- 2010 - 2012 A prospective cohort study on the association between eating behaviors, physical activity and sociopsychological factors with metabolic syndrome and its risk factors.
- 2010 - 2012 冷え症と生活習慣・生活習慣病との関連、及びその介入方法に関する研究
- 2010 - 2012 The effect of insulin resistance and secretion against risk ofmetabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease
- 2012 - インスリン抵抗性と分泌能のメタボリックシンドローム、循環器疾患発症に対する影響
- 2010 - 2011 Exploration of biochemical and physiologic mediators for the association between light-to-moderate alcohol consumption and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
- 2009 - 2011 The significance of central aortic blood pressure measurement for cardiovascular disease risk factors prevention in general population
- 2011 - インスリン抵抗性と分泌能のメタボリックシンドローム、循環器疾患発症に対する影響
- 2008 - 2010 Social inequalities in physical functional limitations among Japanese men and women.
- 2007 - 2009 Large prospective cohort study for the pro-oxidant and antioxidant factors and atherosclerotic disease.
- 2007 - 2009 Associations of Psychological Factors with Inflammation, Metabolic Disorder, and Autonomic Function
- 2007 - 2008 The extent of arteriosclerosis in multiple vessel bedsand their risk factors among urban Japanese residents
- 2007 - 2008 高血圧関連遺伝子多型と脳卒中発症に関するコホート研究
- 2006 - 2008 効率的な地域救急医療推進のための病院前重症度スコアの開発
- 2005 - 2006 職業運転手の睡眠呼吸障害スクリーニングによる交通事故防止システムの構築
- 2005 - 2006 要介護痴呆の新しいリスクファクターに関する地域コホート研究
- 2002 - 2005 A large epidemiological study on the interaction between inflammation, infection and antioxidants in the development of atherosclerosis
- 2002 - 2005 Epidemiologic studies on the screening for sleep disordered breathing in relation to cardiovascular diseases.
- 2003 - 2004 Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and incident coronary heart disease
- 2003 - 2004 地域におけるインスリン抵抗性、耐糖能異常、糖尿病に対する健康教育技法の開発と評価
- 2002 - 2004 Randomized controlled trial for an effect of green tea consumption on insulin resistance and inflammation markers.
- 2001 - 2003 A health education program for the improvement of risk factors for arteriosclerotic disease in young adult females
- 2001 - 2002 The Study of Correlation between antioxidant intake and blood lipoperoxide
- 2000 - 2001 A cohort study on risk factors for carotid atherosclerosis and prediction of cardiovascular risk
- 2000 - 2001 本態性高血圧の遺伝要因とナトリウム摂取の相互作用に関する疫学研究
- 2000 - 2001 地域・職域における睡眠障害の把握およびその循環器疾患に及ぼす影響に関する疫学研究
- 1999 - 2001 Blood homoysteine, its associated factors, atheroscerosis and cardiovasular desease
- 1999 - 2000 一酸化窒素が高血圧・動脈硬化・循環器疾患の発症に及ぼす影響に関する疫学研究
- 1998 - 1999 Epidemiologic study on new risk factors for progression of atherosclerosis
- 1998 - 1999 交代制勤務が心理生体系に及ぼす非顕性健康影響の検出に関する研究
- 1997 - 1998 Epidemioloical study on platelet aggregation and risk of stroke and coronary heart disease
- 1996 - 1997 Epidemiological study on carotid atherosclerosis and it related factors for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
- 1996 - 1997 Study on the relationship between lifestyle and cardiovascular risk factors in young male university students.
- 1996 - 1997 本態性高血圧の遺伝要因とナトリウム摂取に関する疫学・分子生物学的研究
- 1995 - 1996 脳卒中・虚血性心1疾患の発症要因としての血小板凝集能の意義に関する疫学的研究
- 1995 - 1996 血液線溶系活性因子の循環器疾患の発症とその再発に及ぼす影響について -特に組織プラスミノーゲンアクチベータおよびインヒビター1-
- 1994 - 1995 Epidemiology and moleculorbiology on emvircnemnted and genetic factors for atheis sclirosis and thrombasis
- 1992 - 1994 Epidemiologic study on environmental and genetic factors for development of hypertension, A long-term follow-up study for two generations
- 1990 - 1992 Study on new risk factors for prevention of stroke and coronary heart disease in uged populations
- 1991 - 1991 血清総コレステロール値と全死亡及び各種疾患死亡との関連に関する疫学研究
- 1990 - 1990 日本人の循環器疾患に影響を及ぼす身体活動の把握方法の開発に関する基礎的研究
- 1989 - 1990 A Community-Based Study on the Type of Stroke Determined by CT Scan and Their Risk Factors
- 循環器疾患の予防のための健康教育プログラムの開発と評価
- 循環器疾患の予防を目的とした栄養摂取調査法,開発とその評価
- 循環器疾患の遺伝要因、環境要因に関する疫学研究
- Epidemiologic study on genetic and environmental factors for cardiovascular disease
- Development and evaluation of health education programs for prevention of cardiovascular disease
- Diet assessment methods for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
- Epidemislogic study on genetic and environmental factors for cordiovasculan disease
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Papers (1,303): -
Kenichi Ariyada, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Toshimi Sairenchi, Tomomi Kihara, Hiroyasu Iso, Fujiko Irie. Association of Hypertension and Subclinical Organ Damage With Mortality Due to Stroke and Its Subtypes. Journal of Stroke. 2025. 27. 1. 144-148
Takehiro Michikawa, Yuji Nishiwaki, Keiko Asakura, Tomonori Okamura, Toru Takebayashi, Shuichi Hasegawa, Ai Milojevic, Mihoko Minami, Masataka Taguri, Ayano Takeuchi, et al. All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Associated with Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter in Japan: The Ibaraki Prefectural Health Study. Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. 2025
Arisa Iba, Mariko Hosozawa, Miyuki Hori, Yoko Muto, Tomomi Kihara, Isao Muraki, Rie Masuda, Nanako Tamiya, Hiroyasu Iso. Booster vaccination and post COVID-19 condition during the Omicron variant-dominant wave: A large population-based study. Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2024
Keiichiro Kawabata, Kensuke Nakamura, Naoki Kanda, Muneaki Hemmi, Shinya Suganuma, Yoko Muto, Arisa Iba, Miyuki Hori, Mariko Hosozawa, Hiroyasu Iso. Risk Factors for Long-Term Nutritional Disorders One Year After COVID-19: A Post Hoc Analysis of COVID-19 Recovery Study II. Nutrients. 2024. 16. 23
Mami Wakabayashi, Aya Kinjo, Yoshifumi Sugiyama, Midori Takada, Hiroyasu Iso, Takahiro Tabuchi. Is flat rate pricing for unlimited alcohol consumption associated with problematic alcohol consumption patterns? A cross-sectional study with the Japan COVID-19 and Society Internet Survey. BMJ open. 2024. 14. 12. e079025
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石原真穂, 木原朋未, 磯博康, 村木功. 新型コロナウイルス感染症流行下における小児の肥満・痩身傾向の変化. 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集(CD-ROM). 2023. 82nd
李嘉奇, 白井こころ, 北村明彦, 羽山実奈, 高山佳洋, 今野弘規, 田中麻理, 谷川果菜美, 川内はるな, 岡本華奈, et al. 地域在住高齢者のフレイルに関連する健診所見. 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集(CD-ROM). 2023. 82nd
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more... Patents (1): Books (40): - Health in Japan : social epidemiology of Japan since the 1964 Tokyo Olympics
Oxford University Press 2021 ISBN:9780198848134
- Successful reduction of blood pressure levels and stroke risk by a community-based program in Japan
Springer International Publishing 2018 ISBN:9783319956336
- はじめて学ぶやさしい疫学-日本疫学会標準テキスト-
南江堂 2018
- 公衆衛生領域における連携と協働-理念から実現に向けて
日本公衆衛生協会 2015 ISBN:9784819202442
- 新版「茶の機能」
農山漁村文化協会(農文協) 2013
more... Works (16): -
2002 - 2003
2000 - 2001
Genetic factors for essential hypertension and their sodium intake interactions
2000 - 2001
1999 - 2001
Determinant for blood homocystein levels and their contribution to the development of cardiovascular disease
1999 - 2001
more... Education (2): - - 1986 University of Tsukuba
- - 1982 University of Tsukuba
Professional career (2): - M. P. H
- 公衆衛生修士 (University of Minnesota(アメリカ合衆国))
Work history (16): - 2022/04 - 現在 環境省エコチル調査 大阪ユニットセンター センター長補佐
- 2022/04 - 現在 国立研究開発法人国立国際医療研究センター グローバルヘルス政策研究センター センター長
- 2019/11 - 2022/03 National Center for Global Health and Medicine Institute for Grobal Health Policy Research
- 2016/11 - 2022/03 日本学術振興会 大学の世界展開力強化事業 責任者
- 2011/04 - 2022/03 環境省エコチル調査 大阪ユニットセンター センター長
- 2005/07 - 2022/03 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 社会医学講座 公衆衛生学 教授
- 2013/04 - 2016/01 厚生労働省戦略研究 研究リーダー
- 2013/04 - 2015/03 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 副研究科長
- 2007/10 - 2010/03 文部科学省大学院教育改革支援プログラム 実施責任者
- 2004/09 - 2005/06 筑波大学大学院 人間総合科学研究科 社会健康医学 教授
- 2002/02 - 2004/08 Institute of Community Medicine, Medicine, U of Tsukuba Professor
- 1993/06 - 2001/01 Institute of Community Medicine, U of Tsukuba Associate Professor
- 1996/03 - 1997/03 School of Medicine, Harvard University Visiting Associate Professor
- 1990/04 - 1993/03 Institute of Community U of Tsukuba Assistant Professor
- 1988/09 - 1990/03 The Center for Adult Diseases, Osaka Physician
- 1988/06 - 1988/08 Division of Epidemiology School of Public Health U of Minnesota Research Fellow
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Committee career (6): - 2003 - 日本高血圧学会 評議員
- 1999 - 日本脳卒中学会 評議員
- 1999 - 日本脳卒中学会 評議員
- 1996 - 日本公衆衛生学会 評議員
- 1995 - 日本循環器病予防学会 評議員
- 1994 - 日本疫学会 評議員
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Awards (7): Association Membership(s) (9):
, 日本動脈硬化学会
, 日本産業衛生学会
, 日本循環器病予防学会
, 日本疫学会
, 日本脳卒中学会
, 日本高血圧学会
, 日本衛生学会
, 日本公衆衛生学会
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