J-GLOBAL ID:200901094657589074
Update date: Sep. 18, 2024
Kofujita Hisayoshi
コフジタ ヒサヨシ | Kofujita Hisayoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Wood science
, Applied biochemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
- 2022 - 2025 スギ樹皮に含まれる機能性抽出成分の総合的利用に関する研究
- 2019 - 2022 Anti-Alzheimer's disease activity of sugi wood diterpene component and its mechanism.
- 2010 - 2012 Studies on Biodegradation of Condensed tannin
- 2004 - 2005 過熱水蒸気処理による木質資源の水素および高機能性炭化物への転換
- 1999 - 2001 Entymatic transfer of the caffeic acid to the glucosyl moiety of caffeic sugar esters
- 1997 - 1998 木材組織中のMnイオンによる担子菌リグニン分解酵素の調節に関する研究
- 1993 - 1995 Role of Caffeic Acid Sugar Esters in Tree Defense-Repair Processing
- Study on utilization of bark components
- Study on Biodegradation of Wood Components
- 樹皮成分の利用に関する研究
- 木材成分の生分解に関する研究
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Papers (46):
Yuka Furusawa, Hisayoshi Kofujita, Tatsuya Ashitani. Possibility of using the tips obtained from the“Uradome”of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) as a food source. Journal of Wood Science. 2022. 68. 23-29
Yamaji, Y, Wakabayashi, T, Kofujita, H. Potential of sugi wood diterpenes as an Alzheimer’s disease preventive and therapeutic drug by the β-amyloid toxicity reduction effect. Journal of Wood Science. 2020. 66. 76-81
Tsujimura, M, Goto, M, Tsuji, M, Yamaji, Y, Ashitani, T, Kimura, K, Ohira, T, Kofujita, H. Isolation of diterpenoids from sugi wood-drying byproducts and their bioactivities. Journal of Wood Science. 2019. 65. 19-29
Kajiwara, R, Seto, A, Kofujita, H, Oishi, Y, Shibasaki, Y. Enhanced antimicrobial activities of polymerized arbutin and its derivatives prepared by oxidative polymerization of arbutin. Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2019. 138. 39-45
Mukai, A, Takahashi, K, Kofujita, H, Ashitani, T. Antitermite and antifungal activities of thujopsene natural autoxidation products. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 2018. 77. 311-317
MISC (18):
小藤田久義. 樹皮の構成成分とその機能を活かした利用法の開発. 生物資源. 2023. 16. 4. 14-28
樹皮の成分とその化学的利用. 2017. 12. 2. 1-7
スギ樹皮からのジテルペンキノン. Phytochemistry. 2002. 61: 895-898
H Kofujita, Y Fujino, T Sasaki, M Hasebe, M Ota, K Suzuki. Antifungal activitiy of the bark of Cryptomeria japonica and its relevant components. MOKUZAI GAKKAISHI. 2001. 47. 6. 479-486
小藤田久義, 藤野陽治, 佐々木達也, 長谷部真, 太田路一, 鈴木幸一. スギ樹皮の抗菌活性とその関連成分. 木材学会誌. 2001. 47. 6. 479-486
Patents (4):
Books (2):
海青社 2021
シーエムシー出版 2019
Lectures and oral presentations (46):
スギ由来ジテルペノイド成分の抗アルツハイマー病作用~ 線虫を用いたバイオアッセイ系による評価 ~
合板用単板の乾燥工程において回収される副産物の成分組成-回収工場、保存状態、ロット、 樹種の違いが成分組成に与える影響について-
スギ由来ジテルペノイド成分の抗老化作用~ 線虫を用いたバイオアッセイ系による評価 ~
スギ(Cryptomeria japonica)の部位別抽出成分の生理活性探索
Education (1):
- - 1991 Ehime University Graduate School, Division of Agricltural Sciences
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
American Society for Microbiology
, 紙パルプ技術協会
, 日本木材学会
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