J-GLOBAL ID:200901096086667385
Update date: Jul. 06, 2016 Kochiyama Mari
コウチヤマ マリ | Kochiyama Mari
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Research keywords (3):
, 発音
, pronuciation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 日本人英語学習者に対する発音指導
- 第2言語習得における知覚に関する研究
- Study on Perception of the Second Language Acquisition
MISC (7): -
ネットワークを利用した自習用英語教材の開発. コミュニケーション研究叢書. 2000. 1. 33-59
朝鮮語を第1言語とする留学生の日本語音声の特徴-閉鎖音の有声性と母音の長短の知覚と生成-. コミュニケーション研究叢書. 2000. 1. 1-32
Development of Online Self-Study System for English Learners. Studies on Communication. 2000. 1. 33-59
Perception and Production of Japanese Speech by Native Speakers of Korean -Focusing on Voicing Contrast of Stops and Vowel Length. Studies on Communication. 2000. 1. 1-32
Acoustic Analyses of Japanese Learners' Perception of the English /b/-/v/ and /r/-/l/ (共著). 1995. 7. 71-84
more... Education (4): - - 1994 Kobe City University of Foreign Studies
- - 1994 Kobe City University of Foreign Studies Graduate School, Division of Foreign Language
- - 1987 Kobe City University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies Department of English Studies
- - 1987 Kobe City University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Language
Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (3):
, 大学英語教育学会
, 日本音声学会
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