2005 - 2006 Interventional Research Supporting Lifestyle Rebuilding in Diabetic Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease
2002 - 2004 失語症者の生活体験とセルフヘルプ・グループを通したエンパワーメント過程
2002 - 2004 Life Experience and Empowerment in Aphasia Persons.
2002 - 2004 Sychophysiological Effect Of Progressive Muscle Relaxation,Longitudinal Study.
2002 - 2004 看護介入としての漸進的筋弛緩法のリラクセーション効果に関する縦断的研究
2001 - 2003 Relationship About Laryngectomee and Self-Help-Group
2001 - 2003 Factors affecting the adaptation of members achieved laryngectomized by participating in self-help groups
1996 - 1996 通院・在宅化学療法を受けるがん患者の生活の質
1994 - 1995 Grief processes of elderly bereaved surviving spouses and the impact of support systems
An Examination About Relaxation for cancer patients
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Papers (77):
Hirota Masami, Shiramizu Mariko, Mase Yuki. Current status of support systems and nurses’ support in decision making for renal replacement therapy in older adult patients with chronic kidney disease. Journal of Japanese Society for Chronic Illness and Conditions Nursing. 2024. 18. 1. 1_65-1_74
2nd Year Practical Report of Follow-up Training Provided by Universities for New Graduate Nurses Due to the Impact of COVID-19. Journal of Kanagawa University of Human Services. 2023. 20. 1. 23-34
Effectiveness of SMBG in improving glycemic control and Health Literacy among Noninsulin-Treated Type 2 Diabetes Patients
(TNMC & WANS International Nursing Research Conference 2017)