J-GLOBAL ID:200901096404680337
Update date: Sep. 25, 2024 Tatekawa Takayuki
タテカワ タカユキ | Tatekawa Takayuki
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): https://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~tatekawa.takayuki/ Research field (3):
Information security
, Mathematical physics and basic theory
, Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (5):
Education about Cybersecurity
, Relativity
, Statistical Physics
, Astrophysics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): Papers (49): -
Daisuke Kawata, Hajime Kawahara, Naoteru Gouda, Nathan J Secrest, Ryouhei Kano, Hirokazu Kataza, Naoki Isobe, Ryou Ohsawa, Fumihiko Usui, Yoshiyuki Yamada, et al. JASMINE: Near-infrared astrometry and time-series photometry science. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 2024
Takayuki Tatekawa, Yuuki Okamura. Detection of intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters using gravitational lensing. Stars and Galaxies. 2020. 3. 3-3
- Takayuki Tatekawa. Transients from initial conditions based on Lagrangian perturbation theory in N-body simulations III: The case of Gadget-2 code. International Journal of Modern Physics D. 2020. 29. 15. 2050096-2050096
- 岩﨑 洋平, 立川 崇之, 浦山 康洋, 亀山 正純, 谷澤 俊弘, 岸本 誠一. 学外と連携するセキュリティ人材育成プログラム (特集 "KOSEN(高専)4.0"イニシアティブの事業紹介と報告). 日本高専学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Association for College of Technology. 2020. 25. 1. 21-25
TATEKAWA Takayuki. Accelerating N-body simulation of self-gravitating systems with limited first-order post-Newtonian approximation. Comm. Comp. Phys. 2019. 25. 1. 68-83
more... MISC (24): -
立川崇之. 生成AIを用いたプログラムの並列化の評価. 高知高専学術紀要. 2024. 69. 19-28
Yuuki Komi, Takayuki Tatekawa. Consensus Algorithm Using Transaction History for Cryptocurrency. Bulletin of National Institute of Technology, Kochi College. 2023. 68. 29-35
The relation between order of phase transition and characteristic properties in SGR models (Special Issue on New Challenges in Complex Systems Science). 2015. 11. 193-196
Universal structure of self-gravitating systems not depending on dimensions and its physics (Special Issue on New Challenges in Complex Systems Science). 2015. 11. 189-192
Evolution of Multifractal Structure in the Large-scale Structure in the Universe. 2015. 62. 23-29
more... Books (4): - コンピュータと情報モラル(ICT活用教育増補版)
福井大学総合情報基盤センター 2016
- 福井大学総合情報基盤センターアーカイブ Network センター利用ガイド号2015年版
福井大学総合情報基盤センター 2015
- コンピュータと情報モラル
福井大学総合情報基盤センター 2014
- 福井大学総合情報基盤センターアーカイブ Network センター利用ガイド号2013年販
福井大学総合情報基盤センター 2013
Lectures and oral presentations (28): -
High-Precision Simulations for Collisional Self-Gravitating Systems Incorporating Relativistic Effects
(The 31st Worksop on General Relativity ad Gravitation in Japan 2022)
(情報処理学会 第84回全国大会 2022)
Draft of Next Model Core Curriculum for Promotion of Information Security Education in KOSEN
(14th International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education (ISATE 2021) 2021)
(第32回 理論懇シンポジウム 2019)
(応用物理・物理系学会 中国四国支部 合同学術講演会 2019)
more... Education (2): - 1997 - 2002 Graduate School of Waseda University Department of Pure and Applied Physics
- 1993 - 1997 Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Physics
Professional career (1): - D. Sci. (Waseda University)
Work history (15): - 2023/04 - 現在 National Institute of Technology, Kochi College Department of Social Design Engineering Professor
- 2012/04 - 現在 Waseda University Research Institute for Science and Engineering Adjunct researcher
- 2018/04 - 2023/03 National Institute of Technology, Kochi college Department of Social Design Engineering Associate Professor
- 2017/04 - 2018/03 National Institute of Technology, Kochi College Department of Social Design Engineering Designated Assistant Professor
- 2012/04 - 2016/04 University of Fukui Center for Information Initiative Associate Professor
- 2009/04 - 2012/03 Japan Atomic Energy Agency Center for Computational Science and e-systems Postdoctoral fellow
- 2008/04 - 2009/03 Kogakuin University Faculty of Information Science Part-time Lecturer
- 2005/04 - 2009/03 Waseda University Research Institute for Science and Engineering Visiting researcher
- 2005/04 - 2009/03 Ochanomizu University Department of Physics Part-time Lecturer
- 2006/04 - 2008/03 Waseda University Department of Physics Part-time Lecturer
- 2006/04 - 2008/03 Kogakuin University Center for Professional Development Lecturer
- 2005/10 - 2006/03 Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Urban Liberal Arts Part-time Lecturer
- 2005/04 - 2006/03 Waseda University Department of Physics Visiting Lecturer (part-time)
- 2002/04 - 2005/03 Waseda University Department of Physics Research Associate
- 2004/09 - 2004/09 École normale supérieure de Lyon Visiting researcher
Show all
Committee career (5): - 2021/04 - 現在 Information Processing Society of Japan Member
- 2003/07 - 現在 International Astronomical Union Member
- 2001/02 - 現在 理論天文学宇宙物理学懇談会 会員
- 1999/01 - 現在 The Physical Society of Japan Member
- 1997/01 - 現在 The Astronomical Society of Japan Member
Association Membership(s) (5):
, International Astronomical Union
, The Physical Society of Japan
, Astronomical Society of Japan
, 理論天文学宇宙物理学懇談会
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