J-GLOBAL ID:200901096545898867
Update date: Aug. 31, 2022 Ogasawara Takayuki
オガサワラ タカユキ | Ogasawara Takayuki
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Research keywords (2):
, International Relations
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6): MISC (21): -
ASEAN in Vietuam's Foreign Policy. ASEAN in Transition. 2002
ベトナムにとってのASEAN. 転換期のASEAN. 2001
ベトナムの対外政策決定過程-機構的側面からの-考察. 山梨学院法学論集. 1999. 43. 1-28
A Study of Foreign Policy-making Institutions in Vietnam. The Yamanashigakuin Law Review. 1999. 43. 1-28
ベトナムの東南アジア政策とASEAN. 国際政治. 1997. 116
more... Books (18): - インドシナ外交戦略の変容-ASEANディバイドをどう是正するのか
アジア政治経済論 2001
- Narrowing the ASEAN-Divide : The Evolution of Japan's Indochina Policy
Political Economy of Asia 2001
- ベトナムの対外政策決定機構
ベトナムの国家機構 2000
- カンボジア和平と日本外交
日本・ベトナム関係を学ぶ人のために 2000
- 国民国家と地域協力-ASEAN
地域の世界史 2000
more... Education (4): - - 1989 Keio University Graduate School of Law
- - 1989 Keio University Graduate School, Division of Law
- - 1983 Keio University Faculty of Law Department of Political Sciences Law
- - 1983 Keio University Faculty of Law
Professional career (1): - Master of Arts (Keio University)
Work history (14): - 1989 - 2003 日本国際問題研究所 研究員
- 1989 - 2003 The Japan Institute of International Affairs,
- 1997 - 2002 Yamanashi Gakuin University
- 1993 - 2002 Yokohama City University Graduate
- 1993 - 2002 Yokohama City University Graduate School,
- 1997 - 2000 Yamanashi Gakuin University, Professor
- 1996 - 1997 Hokuriku University
- 1996 - 1997 Hokuriku University, Associate Professor
- 1992 - 1996 Hokuriku University
- 1992 - 1996 Hokuriku University, Assistant Professor
- 1987 - - 放送大学 兼任講師
- 1987 - - The University of the Air, Lecturer
- Lecturer
- Research Fellow
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Association Membership(s) (4):
, 軍事史学会
, アジア政経学会
, 日本国際政治学会
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