Research keywords (3):
, アルキメデスゼータ積分
, Whittaker関数
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2023 - 2027 実簡約群上の一般化された球関数とアルキメデスゼータ積分
2019 - 2023 一般化された球関数とアルキメデスゼータ積分の明示的研究
2015 - 2019 Explicit study on spherical functions on reductive groups and archimedean zeta integrals
2012 - 2016 spherical functions on real reductive groups and archimedean zeta integrals
2011 - 2015 Arithmetic study of automorphic forms of many variables by various method
2009 - 2012 Study on spherical functions on Lie groups and automorphic L-functions
2007 - 2010 Analysis, geometry and arithmetic of automorphic forms of many variables and higher dimensional modular varieties
2006 - 2009 Study on automorphic L-functions and related spherical functions
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Papers (24):
Taku Ishii, Tadashi Miyazaki. Calculus of archimedean Rankin-Selberg integrals with recurrence relations. Representation Theory of the American Mathematical Society. 2022. 26. 25. 714-763