J-GLOBAL ID:200901096606702030
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Kuwahara Kazumi
クワハラ カズミ | Kuwahara Kazumi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (3):
Art history
, Aesthetics and art studies
, Physical and health education
Research keywords (13):
Cultural Resources Studies
, ダンス・アーカイヴ
, 新舞踊
, 西洋舞踊受容
, モダンダンス
, 舞踊史
, Takarazuka
, Iwamura Kazuo
, Umemoto Rikuhei
, Eguchi Takaya
, Modern Dance
, Dance Archives
, History of Dance
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9): - 2015 - 2019 Research of "group dance" in Modern Japan - Focusing on Rikuhei Umemoto's choreography
- 2009 - 2011 The dance notation of Rikuhei Umemoto and the Takarazuka Revue-with special attention to the Shin-buyou<Haru kara Aki e(from Spring to Autumn)>
- - 2001 The Documentation of Takaya Eguchi
- 1990 - 江口隆哉に関する研究
- 大正・昭和初期の近代舞踊に関する研究
- 楳茂都陸平の新舞踊に関する研究
- Research on Public Entertainments and Culture in Kamigata.
- Modern dance in Taisho and early Showa era
- Study on "Shinbuyou" of Rikuhei Umemoto
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Papers (21): -
KUWAHARA Kazumi. A Study of two RYUSENBI : a Takarazuka review by R. Umemoto and a film by H. Fujioka. 2014. 43. 75-90
KUWAHARA Kazumi. The first half of Miya Misako's life, and the visiting the front during the Japanese-Chainese war. 2012. 41. 61-81
1020-30年代の宝塚歌劇における岩村和雄のバレエ. 早稲田大学演劇博物館グローバルCOE紀要 演劇映像学 2010 第3集. 2011. 279-307
日本のモダンダンスの礎を築いた舞踊家-江口隆哉の生涯と舞踊-. 江口隆哉・河上鈴子メモリアル. 2010. 6-17
Umemoto Rikuhei and modern dance: a chronological study (2). Shujitsu historical journal. 2008. 23. 87-172
more... MISC (12): -
宮操子への一歩. 江口・宮アーカイヴ. 2011. 9-14
Takaya Eguchi and His Circumference. CHOREOLOGIA. 1999. 舞踊学会創立20周年記念一
A Study on the Performance Style of Ballet for All : ballet play. Research Bulletin of Shujitsu Women's University and Shujitsu Junior College. 1999. 29, 205-243
Ballet for All-It's Idea and Development. Research Bulletin of Shujitsu Women's University and Shujitsu Junior College. 1997. 27, 279-314
A Study on Rikuhei Umemoto -Introducing Nihon-Buyo in Europe in 1930s-. STUDIUM. 1996. 13, 25-58
more... Books (5): - 江口隆哉資料目録
- Catalogue of Materials of Takaya Eguchi
- 共生・参画時代の女性学(共著)
ナカニシヤ出版 1996
- 女性学セミナー (共著)
東京教科書出版 1991
- Seminar- Women's studies
Education (7): - 2009 - 2017 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
- - 1993 サリー大学大学院 人文科学研究科 舞踊学
- - 1993 University of Surrey Human Studies Dance Studies
- - 1983 Ochanomizu University
- - 1980 Japan Women's College of Physical Education Department of Physical Education
- - 1980 Japan Women's College of Physical Education Faculty of Physical Education
- Ochanomizu Women's University Graduate School, Division of Humanities Dance Education
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Professional career (3): - Doctor of Literature (The University of Tokyo)
- Master of Arts (University of Surrey)
- Master of Arts (Ochanomizu University)
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 美学会
, 舞踊学会
, 日本体育学会
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