J-GLOBAL ID:200901097268026462
Update date: Aug. 02, 2024 Fujita Eisuke
フジタ エイスケ | Fujita Eisuke
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Senior Researcher
Homepage URL (1): http://www.bosai.go.jp/ Research field (1):
Solid earth science
Research keywords (2):
, Volcano physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2009 - 2013 Surface subsidence during caving caldera revealed by the precise atmospheric pressure measurement
- 2001 - 2004 火山熱流体シミュレーションと環境変動予測手法の開発
- 1996 - 1996 Volcanic Earthquakes and Tremor at Kilauea Volcano : Source Mechanisim in Relation to Volcano Structure Eruptive Processes
- 1994 - 1995 Volcanic Earthquakes and Tremor at Kilauea Volcano. Hawaii-Their Source Mechanisms
Papers (116): -
Takashi Hirose, Hideki Ueda, Eisuke Fujita. Seismic scattering property changes correlate with ground deformation at Suwanosejima volcano, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2022
Yoshiaki Ida, Eisuke Fujita, Takashi Hirose. Classification of volcano-seismic events using waveforms in the method of k-means clustering and dynamic time warping. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2022. 429. 107616-107616
Eisuke Fujita, Masato Iguchi, Yuichi Morita, Setsuya Nakada, Mitsuhiro Nakagawa, and Yuki Suzuki. Special Issue on Future Volcano Research in Japan: Integrated Program for Next-Generation Volcano Research. Journal of Disaster Research. 2022. 17. 5. 585-586
Takashi Hirose, Hideki Ueda, Eisuke Fujita. Identifying Anomalies in Seismic Velocity and Scattering Property Changes at Active Volcanoes Based on Seismic Interferometry and the Local Outlier Probability Method. Journal of Disaster Research. 2022. 17. 5. 587-599
Eisuke Fujita, Hiroyuki A. Shimizu, Haruhisa Nakamichi. High Precision Lava Flow Simulation Using 8K Drone Digital Elevation Data. Journal of Disaster Research. 2022. 17. 5. 779-790
more... MISC (73): -
中田節也, 長井雅史, 藤田英輔. Assessment of volcanic hazards following the July 2022 magma eruption at Ioto volcano, Ogasawara. 日本火山学会講演予稿集. 2022. 2022
Yuichi Morita, Eisuke Fujita, Mitsuhiro Nakagawa, Setsuya Nakada. Special Issue on Integrated Program for Next Generation Volcano Research and Human Resource Development. JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH. 2019. 14. 4. 569-570
丸山 敬, 劉 美智, 佐々木 寛介, 井上 実, 井口 正人, 藤田 英輔, 西村 宏昭. 噴石模型を用いた噴石の落下性状の観測-Video Motion Analysis of Cinder Models through Fall Experiment. 京都大学防災研究所年報 = DPRI annuals. 2019. 63. 182-189
石井杏佳, 横尾亮彦, Keehoon Kim, 藤田英輔, 井口正人. 桜島昭和火口における3次元FDTD法を用いた空振伝播シミュレーション. 日本火山学会講演予稿集. 2018
FUJITA Eisuke. P54 Effect on volcanic systems due to the after slip of Tohoku Megathrust earthquake. Programme and abstracts the Volcanological Society of Japan. 2015. 2015. 152-152
more... Lectures and oral presentations (23): -
Relationship between lava length and lava volume
3D Dike intrusion simulation using DEM: seismic activity around the dike
(日本火山学会2023年秋季大会 2023)
個別要素法による3 次元岩脈貫入シミュレーション :岩脈周辺での地震活動
(日本火山学会2023年秋季大会 2023)
(日本火山学会2022年秋季大会 2022)
more... Education (2): - - 1993 The University of Tokyo
- - 1991 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
Professional career (1): Work history (12): - 2023 - 現在 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
- 2019 - 2022 防災科学技術研究所 火山防災研究部門 部門長・総括主任研究員・研究統括
- 2016 - 2018 防災科学技術研究所 火山防災研究部門 総括主任研究員・研究統括
- 2015 - 防災科学技術研究所 地震・火山防災研究ユニット 総括主任研究員
- 2011 - 2014 National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
- 2006 - 2010 防災科学技術研究所 火山防災研究部 副部長
- 2006/06 - 2006/08 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 在外研究員
- 2006/03 - 2006/06 INGV 在外研究員
- 2005 - 防災科学技術研究所 固体地球研究部門 主任研究員
- 2003 - 2004 防災科学技術研究所 企画部研究企画チームリーダー
- 2001 - 2002 防災科学技術研究所 主任研究員
- 1993 - 2000 防災科学技術研究所 研究員
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Committee career (2): - 2022/07 - 2024/06 The Volcanological Society of Japan President
- 2019/07 - 2023/06 IAVCEI Executive Committee
Association Membership(s) (3):
International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI)
, 日本火山学会
, American Geophysical Union
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