J-GLOBAL ID:200901097494527415   Update date: Aug. 31, 2024


クボヤマ ヒロフミ | KUBOYAMA Hirofumi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Chief Researcher
Research field  (4): Forest science ,  Energy chemistry ,  Environmental policy and society ,  Environmental impact assessment
Research keywords  (10): オーストリアの林業・林産業研究 ,  地球温暖化防止 ,  林業経済学 ,  林業・木材加工コスト評価 ,  国産材の競争力強化 ,  木質バイオマス利用 ,  Forestry economics ,  Management Analysis ,  Wooden biomass ,  Timber production
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 2024 - 2027 Cost-plus-loss分析による適切な森林調査手法の選択
  • 2021 - 2023 小規模木質バイオマス発電の安定稼働に資するエネルギー・マテリアルの総合的 利用を目的とした基盤技術の創出
  • 2019 - 2022 Comparative study between Japan and European countries on forest management entities altering owners
  • 2017 - 2020 国産材CLTの製造コストを1/2にするための技術開発
  • 2016 - 2019 Construction and verification of utilizing models for expansion of domestic CLT
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Papers (39):
  • KOMATA Hirotaka, MAEKAWA Yohei, ISHIKAWA Yoshio, YANAGIDA Takashi, TAKATA Eri, KUBOYAMA Hirofumi. Consideration of a Combined Heat and Power Business by Wood Chips Gasification That Functions as a Dry Wood Chips Production and Supply Base. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy. 2024. 103. 5. 34-43
  • YANAGIDA Takashi, TAKATA Eri, KOIDO Kenji, KUBOYAMA Hirofumi, KOMATA Hirotaka, MAEKAWA Yohei, ISHIKAWA Yoshio, TAHARA Kiyotaka. P-19 Economic evaluation of introduction of small woody biomass gasification heat and power cogeneration system in municipalities utilizing facility subsidies. Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science. 2023. 19. 105-106
  • Hirofumi KUBOYAMA, Takashi YANAGIDA, Ikuo MOMOHARA. Analysis on Size, Tree Species, Element and Price of Structural Wood Materials Utilized in Non-residential Buildings. FOREST ECONOMY. 2023. 76. 1. 1-19
  • Kenji Koido, Eri Takata, Takashi Yanagida, Hirofumi Kuboyama. Techno-economic Assessment of Heat Supply Systems in Woodchip Drying Bases for Wood Gasification Combined Heat and Power. Sustainability. 2022. 14. 24. 16878
  • KOMATA Hirotaka, MAEKAWA Yohei, YAMADA Atsushi, ISHIKAWA Yoshio, YANAGIDA Takashi, KUBOYAMA Hirofumi, YOSHIDA Takahiro. Profitability Evaluation of Combined Heat and Power Business by Pyrolysis Gasification of Wood Pellet: Case Study in Hokkaido Considering Uncertainty. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy. 2022. 101. 2. 24-35
MISC (89):
  • 高田依里, 柳田高志, 久保山裕史, 小井土賢二, 古俣寛隆. Characteristics of flue gas and potential for heat utilization in woody biomass power generation with steam-turbine. 日本木材学会大会研究発表要旨集(完全版)(CD-ROM). 2024. 74th
  • Kominami Yuji, Hirata Akiko, Tsuyama Ikutaro, Matsui Tetsuya, Isizuka Shigehiro, Sakai Hisao, Hashimoto Shoji, Kitahara Fumiaki, Nishizono Tomohiro, Yamada Yusuke, et al. Development of high-resolution forest carbon model to achieve Net Zero Emission of Japan. The Japanese Forest Society Congress. 2023. 134. 313
  • Matsui Tetsuya, Ishizuka Shigehiro, Yanagida Takashi, Ehara Makoto, Kominami Yuji, Tsuyama Ikutaro, Hirata Akiko, Sakai Hisao, Hashimoto Shoji, Kitahara Fumiaki, et al. Establishment of a forest sink assessment framework that contributes to the achievement of net-zero emissions. The Japanese Forest Society Congress. 2023. 134. 483
  • 高田依里, 柳田高志, 久保山裕史, 古俣寛隆. P-3-7 Assessment of Heat Recovery Potential from Flue Gas in Wood Biomass Power Generation. 日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 32
  • 古俣寛隆, 前川洋平, 石川佳生, 柳田高志, 高田依里, 久保山裕史. 3-5-1 Profitability Evaluation of Combined Heat and Power Business by Pyrolysis Gasification of Wood Chip Study on Energy Production Bases in Hilly and Mountainous Areas. 日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集(Web). 2023. 32
Books (7):
  • 日本森林学会編『森林学の百科事典』
    丸善出版 2021
  • フォレスト・プロダクツ
    共立出版 2020
  • 森林未来会議:森を活かす仕組みをつくる
    築地書館 2019
  • 最新木材工業事典
    日本木材加工技術協会 2019
  • 木力検定3 森林・林業を学ぶ100問
    海青社 2014
Lectures and oral presentations  (13):
  • P-23 Manufacturing Cost Estimation of High-Quality Wood Chips for Small-scale Gasification CHP II: Impact of chip and heat sales ratios on business profitability
    (Proceedings of the Conference on Biomass Science 2022)
  • 3-5-3 Manufacturing Cost Estimation of High Quality Wood Chips for Small-scale Gasification CHP
    (Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy 2022)
  • P-3-09 Relationship between wood chip purchase price and IRR of small-scale woody biomass gasification CHP business with wood chip on-site drying system
    (Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Japan Institute of Energy 2022)
  • Towards an assessment of the contribution of forests to the net zero target
    (The Japanese Forest Society Congress 2022)
  • 製材,集成材の大規模一貫製造によるコスト削減効果
    (日本木材学会大会研究発表要旨集(完全版)(CD-ROM) 2021)
Professional career (1):
  • Mc. Agricalture
Awards (4):
  • 2020/03 - 林業経済学会 林業経済学会賞 オーストリアと日本の木材生産・流通・利用に関する比較研究
  • 2019/03 - 日本森林学会 日本森林学会誌論文賞 未利用木質バイオマスを用いた熱電併給事業の成立条件
  • 2016/08 - 日本エネルギー学会 平成28年度日本エネルギー学会論文賞 再生可能エネルギー固定価格買取制度を利用した木質バイオマス発電事業における原料調達価格と損益分岐点の関係
  • 2007/03 - The Japanese Forest Economic Society The Japanese Forest Economic Society Progress Prize
Association Membership(s) (5):
日本エネルギー学会 ,  IUFRO ,  林業経済学会 ,  THE JAPANESE FOREST SOCIETY ,  International Union of Forest Research Organization
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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