J-GLOBAL ID:200901097743747706
Update date: Sep. 10, 2022 Sugiyama Yoshihiko
スギヤマ ヨシヒコ | Sugiyama Yoshihiko
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Professor,Professor Emeritus, Osaka Prefecture University
Research field (3):
Aerospace engineering
, Mechanics and mechatronics
, Machine materials and mechanics
Research keywords (6):
, 振動
, 構造
, Design
, Vibration
, Structures
Research theme for competitive and other funds (16): - 2003 - 2008 超小型衛星システムの設計と動力学解析
- 2003 - 2008 Design and Dynamics of Micro-Satellite Systems
- 1990 - 2008 ロケット推力を受ける柱の動的安定性
- 1990 - 2008 Dynamic Stability of Columns Subjected to Rocket Thrust
- 1980 - 2008 流体関連振動
- 1980 - 2008 Flow-Induced Vibration
- 振動解析
- 構造設計
- Vibration Analysis
- Structural Design
- 熱線レーザーにより誘起された熱ひずみによる振動制御
- Intelligent Adaptive Space Structures
- ロケット推力を受ける片持ち柱の動安定性と最適化
- Dynamic Stability and Optimization of Cantilevered Columns under a Rocket Thrust
- 知的適応宇宙構造物
- Vibration Control by Thermal Strains Induced by Laser Beams
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MISC (96): -
Study on Thermally Induced Vibration of Flexible Boom in Various Thermal Environments of Vacuum Chamber(共著). SPIE Paper No.5649-106,Smart Structures,Devices,and Systems II,vol.5649. 2004. pp.1-8
Molecular Dynamic Study of Deformation and Fracture near a Crack Tip(共著). IUTAM Symposium on Mesoscopic Dynamics in Fracture Process and Materials Strength,vol.11. 2003. 2 pages,CD-ROM
Modal survey of a Deployable Space Truss Structure Having a Mass at its Tip. Proceedings of the 10th Asia-pacific Vibration Conference,vo.2. 2003. pp.532-537
Music Composition by Using Information from the Space(共著). Proceedings of the 10th Asia-pacific Vibration Conference,vo.2. 2003. pp.486-490
Modal Testing of a Deployable Space Truss Structure by Random Excitation(共著). Proceedings of the 10th Asia-pacific Vibration Conference,vo.1. 2003. pp.312-317
more... Books (13): - Modern Problems of Structural Stability(共著)(pp.341-394)
Springer-Verlag Wien New York 2002
- Parametric Instability of a Free-Free Timoshenko Beam with a Tip Rigid Body under a Controlled Pulsating Follower Force
Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference '99 1999
- Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the Hyper-Velocity Impact Fracture
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials-ICM8 1999
- 四段式6メートル長のテレスコシリンダー柱のオイラー座屈試験
理論・応用・計算・実験力学に関する国際会議論文集 1998
- 片持ち柱の動安定性に及ぼすロケット推力の効果の実験的検証
理論・応用・計算・実験力学に関する国際会議論文集 1998
more... Education (6): Professional career (1): - Doctor of Engineering (Osaka Prefecture University)
Work history (10): - 2004 - 教授、 龍谷大学 機械システム工学科
- 2004 - Professor, Ryukoku University
- 1986 - 教授、 大阪府立大学 航空宇宙工学科
- 1986 - Professor, Osaka Prefecture University
- 1972 - 助教授、鳥取大学 機械工学科
- 1972 - Associate Professor, Tottori University
- 1971 - 講師、 鳥取大学 機械工学科
- 1971 - Lecturer, Tottori University
- 1969 - 講師、 大阪産業大学 交通機械工学科
- 1969 - Lecturer, Osaka Industrial University
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Committee career (1): Awards (2): - 1992 - 日本材料学会 論文賞
- 1992 - Best Paper Award, The Japan Society of Materials Science
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本材料学会
, 日本機械学会
, 日本航空宇宙学会
, Aemerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
, The Japan Society of Materials Sciences
, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
, The Japan Society of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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