J-GLOBAL ID:200901098203635492
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024 Kuriyama Nobuo
クリヤマ ノブオ | Kuriyama Nobuo
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Special needs education
Research keywords (4):
, 病弱教育
, 肢体不自由教育
, Special support education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 2011 - 2013 Constructing training system for nursery teachers in pediatric settings and schoolteachers for children with health impairments
- 知的障害児教育・保育の実践についての研究 病院内学級における教育実践に関する研究 通常の学校及び保育園における病児の教育・保育に関する研究 病児の家族支援に関する研究
- 特別支援教育
- Special support education
Work history (1): - 2015/04 - 現在 Ikuei Junior College Early Childhood Care & Education Department
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