J-GLOBAL ID:200901098422116786
Update date: Sep. 02, 2022 Ueki Hisayuki
ウエキ ヒサユキ | Ueki Hisayuki
Affiliation and department: Research field (2):
Literature - General
, Literature - Chinese
Research keywords (2):
, Literature of China (Tang Period)
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5): - 杜牧詩の注釈
- 『和漢朗詠集』に収める唐詩の研究
- 唐代の作家の生没年の研究
- Study on the Tang-Shi in Wakanroueishu
- Study on the Years of Birth and Death of the Writers in Tang Period
MISC (48): -
『和漢朗詠集』所収唐詩注釈補訂(13). 中国詩文論叢. 2001. 20, 139-155
『千載佳句』所収白居易詩逸句考(上). 白居易研究年報. 2001. 2, 115-138
『和漢朗詠集』所収唐詩注釈補訂(12)-付・菅野禮行『和漢朗詠集』訳注質疑-. 2000. 19, 144-160
Annotations and Riusions of the tang-shi in Wakanroueishu(12). 2000
中国詩跡補考. 人文社会論叢(人文科学篇). 1999. 1. 37-71
more... Books (10): - 唐詩物語-名詩誕生の虚と実と
大修館書店 2002
- The story of Tang-shi
- 続校注唐詩解釈辞典〔付〕歴代詩(共著)
大修館書店 2001
- 中国における「詩跡」の存在とその概念-近年の研究史を踏まえて-
村山(]G0046[)廣教授古稀記念中国古典学論集 2000
- 漢詩の事典(共著)
大修館書店 1999
more... Education (4): - - 1978 Waseda University
- - 1978 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- - 1973 Waseda University School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- - 1973 Waseda University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1): - (BLANK) (Waseda University)
Work history (6): - 1983 - 1990 Hirosaki University
- 1983 - 1990 Hirosaki University(faculty of Humanity),
- 1978 - 1983 Waseda University School of Letters, Arts and Sciences I
- 1978 - 1983 Waseda University(School of Literature),
- Assistant Professor
- part-time teacher
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Association Membership(s) (6):
, 早稲田大学中国文学会
, 東北中国学会
, 日本道教学会
, 中国語学学会
, 日本中国学会
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