J-GLOBAL ID:200901098572613117
Update date: Sep. 12, 2022 Nishimura Tsukasa
ニシムラ ツカサ | Nishimura Tsukasa
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): Research field (2):
, Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
Research keywords (3):
, リモ-トセンシング
, Remote Sensing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 日本列島周辺海洋乱流場の組織的渦構造の実態把握
- 衛星リモ-トセンシングによる日本列島周辺海洋乱流場の組織機的渦構造の研究
- Hydrodynamics of the turbulence in a rotating closed vessel
- Satellite remote sensing on the coherent structure inside the oceanic turbulence around Japan-Islands-Chain
MISC (10): -
NOAA/AVHRR based instantaneous measurements on the oceanic turbulence around Japan-Islands-Chain. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Remote-Sensing for Marina and Coastal Environments. 2000
The coherent structure inside the oceanic turbulence around Japan-Islands-Chain. Proceedings of 5th Thematic Conference on Remote-Sensing for Marring and Coastal Environments. 1998
- 西村 司, 小林 智尚, 泉 照久, 田中 総太郎, 杉村 俊郎, 畠山 祐二. 黒潮の組織的渦構造と沿岸水域環境との間の乱流論的プロセス(共著). 海岸工学論文集. 1996. 43. 411-415
大阪湾の回転系潮流乱流場の組織的渦構造. 1995
日本列島周辺海洋乱流場の組織的渦構造. 文部省科学研究費成果報告書(No.04452234). 1995
more... Books (2): - 鳴門の渦潮-宇宙からその謎を追う
山文社 1986
- Tidal vortex current through the Naruto-Strait
Sanbunsha 1986
Works (1): -
1980 -
Professional career (1): Awards (1): Association Membership(s) (5):
, 水文・水資源学会
, リモ-トセンシング学会
, 海洋学会
, 土木学会
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