J-GLOBAL ID:200901098645601376
Update date: Sep. 15, 2024
Hayashidera Shoshun
ハヤシデラ ショウシュン | Hayashidera Shoshun
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research keywords (5):
Buddhist Studies
, 仏教学
, Old Japanese Manuscripts of Buddhist Texts
, インド仏教
, Indian Buddhism
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
Papers (25):
Shoshun Hayashidera. The Characteristics of the Tmpyō Manuscript of the Za ahan jing in the Hōdō-ji Collection: A Textual Analysis. Tenpyō Manuscript, Hōdō-ji Collection Za ahan jing, Scroll XXXVI (Bibliotheca Codicologica Nipponica X). 2019. 93-103
Shoshun Hayashidera. A Basic Study of the San fa du lun 三法度論: Vasubhadra's Sutras and Their Synopsis. Hokkaido Journal of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism. 2016. 3. 105-134
Shoshun Hayashidera. The Composition of the "Old Japanese Manuscript (nihon ko shahon)" Version of the San fa du lun: The Compilation of the San fa du jing ben and its Motivation (in Japanese). The Journal of East Asian Buddhist Studies. 2015. 13. 119-133
Shoshun Hayashidera. “A Hitherto Unknown Version of the San fa du lun 三法度論 in Old Japanese Manuscript Collection: Potencial and Problemsˮ(in English). Journal of Graduate School of Letters. 2015. 10. 10. 1-11
林寺 正俊. 「日本古写経本『三法度論』の資料的意義と問題点」. 『国際シンポジウム報告書2014 東アジア仏教写本研究』(国際仏教学大学院大学日本古写経研究所・文部科学省戦略プロジェクト「東アジア仏教写本研究拠点の形成」実行委員会編). 2015. 173-183
MISC (11):
Shoshun HAYASHIDERA. “Textual Study of the Buddhist Scriptures’ Manuscripts of the Empress Kōmyō 光明 (701-760) in Japan”. Diverse Perspectives and Approaches to East Asian Buddhism and Beyond. 2023. 61-72
Shoshun Hayashidera. Gogatsu Tsuitachi Kyō Manuscript Corpus Owned by the Fuse Art Museum. ITOKURA. 2022. 11. 5
林寺 正俊. 「日本の古写経を活用した仏教研究」. 北海道大学アドミッションセンター『知のフロンティア』. 2018. 4. 2-3
Shoshun Hayashidera. Report on the Panel Presentation in the 16th Congress of the IABS. ITOKURA. 2011. 7. 14
Shoshun Hayashidera. On the Use of the Old Japanese Manuscripts Database at the College Library. ITOKURA. 2010. 6. 9-10
Books (5):
丸善出版 2021 ISBN:9784621305829
『かなしむ人間 : 人文学で問う生き方』 (北大文学研究院ライブラリ17)
北海道大学出版会 2019 ISBN:9784832934047
Encyclopedia of Theravada Buddhism
Mekong 2016 ISBN:4839602999
『空間に遊ぶ』 (北大文学研究科ライブラリ13)
北海道大学出版会 2016 ISBN:4832933957
『原始仏典〈第6巻〉 中部経典III』
春秋社 2005 ISBN:4393112261
Lectures and oral presentations (20):
"The Origin and Characteristics of Old Japanese Manuscript Buddhist Canons as seen in the Imperial Canons of the Nara-Period"
(International Workshop on Chinese Buddhist Canons and Biographies of Eminent Monks 2024)
(東方学会令和五年度秋季学術大会シンポジウムII「日本古写経の新たな位置づけ」(於日本教育会館) 2023)
“Textual Study of the Buddhist Scriptures’ Manuscripts of the Empress Kōmyō 光明 (701-760) in Japan”
(International Conference “Diverse Perspectives and Approaches to East Asian Buddhism and Beyond”(Hong Kong) 2023)
(第38回正倉院文書研究会(於奈良女子大学) 2019)
The Compilation of the Wukuzhangju-jing 五苦章句經 (T.741): A Comparative Study of the Newly Found Old Japanese Manuscript Version and the Wood-block Printed Version
(International Conference “Evolution of Scriptures, Formation of Canons” (at Tokyo Campus of the University of Tsukuba) 2018)
Education (3):
- 1996 - 1999 Hokkaido University
- 1994 - 1996 Hokkaido University
- 1990 - 1994 Hokkaido University Faculty of Letters
Professional career (1):
- Ph. D. (Hokkaido University)
Work history (7):
Committee career (7):
Association Membership(s) (7):
, International Association of Buddhist Studies
, パーリ学仏教文化学会
, 仏教思想学会
, 日本宗教学会
, 日本佛教学会
, 日本印度学仏教学会
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