J-GLOBAL ID:200901098753178633
Update date: Mar. 27, 2019 Yonemoto Koichi
ヨネモト コウイチ | Yonemoto Koichi
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Research field (1):
Literature - European
Research keywords (2):
English novel
, Rhetoric
Papers (14): -
YONEMOTO KOICHI. 英雄としての文豪の晩年-ウォルター・スコットの日記-. 教養主義の残照. 2018. 149-170
Koichi Yonemoto. Ivanhoe As a Myth of the Formation of a Nation. Possibilities of English Literature. 2010. pp.329-340
YONEMOTO, Koichi. Formation of Nation and Establishment of Novel; On the Novels of Walter Scott. 『英語青年』(研究社). 2007. 153-4, 14-16
YONEMOTO, Koichi. Historical Novel as a New Genre: Revaluation of the Novels of Walter Scott. Kobe Miscellany. 2006. 30, 35-48
YONEMOTO, Koichi. First-person Narrator as a Point of View--On Scott's Rob Roy. テクストの地平-森晴秀教授古稀記念論文集(英宝社). 2005. , 81-91
more... MISC (1): -
YONEMOTO, Koichi. History as Fiction--Narrative Techniques of Walter Scott. 大阪大学博士(文学)学位論文. 2005. , 1-172
Books (7): - Reading the Design in English
英宝社 2015
- The Victorian Historical Novel
Eihosha 2013
- The Literature of Scotland
Kaibunsha 2011
- History as Fiction: Narrative Techniques of Walter Scott
英宝社 2007
- Disease and Human Body in English and American Literature
英宝社 2004
more... Lectures and oral presentations (3): -
(日本ブロンテ協会関西支部2015年大会 2015)
The Historical Novel as a New Genre--Revaluation of Scott's Novels
(日本ジョンソン協会第38回大会 2005)
History of Scotland Described by Walter Scott--The Historical Novel as a New Genre
(日本カレドニア学会2004年度大会 2004)
Education (1): - - 1981 Osaka University Graduate School of Letters
Professional career (2): - 文学修士 (大阪大学)
- 博士(文学) (大阪大学)
Committee career (1): Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本カレドニア学会
, 日本ジョンソン協会
, 日本英文学会
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