J-GLOBAL ID:200901098764091122
Update date: Feb. 26, 2024 Motizuki Mitsuyoshi
モチヅキ ミツヨシ | Motizuki Mitsuyoshi
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Cell biology
Research keywords (6):
, TGF-beta
, Cell motility
, antimicrobial peptide
, endocytosis
, Yeast
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9): - 2010 - 2012 TGF-betaシグナルの細胞応答選択的な制御手法の研究
- 1996 - 1997 酵母を用いた時間生物学:生物時計と自食死の分子細胞生物学的解析
- 1993 - 1995 酵母における生物時計の遺伝学的、分子生物学的研究
- 1989 - 1990 Transcriptional Regulation of Eukaryotic Ribosomal Protein Genes and Function of the Proteins.
- 1987 - 1987 アフリカツメガエルを用いたリボソーム蛋白質の核への輸送に関する研究
- 1986 - 1986 真核細胞におけるリボソーム蛋白質の代謝と発現における調節機構
- Structure-Functional Study on Apolipoprotein
- Structure-Functional Study on Antimicrobial peptide
- Study on Yeast Scenescence
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Papers (28): -
Mitsuyoshi Motizuki, Takashi Yokoyama, Masao Saitoh, Keiji Miyazawa. The Snail signaling branch downstream of the TGF-β/Smad3 pathway mediates Rho activation and subsequent stress fiber formation. 2023. 300. 1. 105580
Mitsuyoshi Motizuki, Daizo Koinuma, Takashi Yokoyama, Yuka Itoh, Chiho Omata, Kohei Miyazono, Masao Saitoh, Keiji Miyazawa. TGF-β-induced cell motility requires downregulation of ARHGAPs to sustain Rac1 activity. Jounal of Biological Chemistry. 2021. 296. 100545
Naoko Nakano, Nobuo Sakata, Yuki Katsu, Daiki Nochise, Erika Sato, Yuta Takahashi, Saori Yamaguchi, Yoko Haga, Souichi Ikeno, Mitsuyoshi Motizuki, et al. Dissociation of the AhR/ARNT complex by TGF-β/Smad signaling represses CYP1A1 gene expression and inhibits benze[a]pyrene-mediated cytotoxity. Jounal of Biological Chemistry. 2020. 295. 27. 9033-9051
Yuka Itoh Y, Daizo Koinuma, Chiho Omata, Tomohiro Ogami, Mitsuyoshi Motizuki, So-ichi Yaguchi, Takuma Itoh, Kunio Miyake, Shuichi Tsutsumi, Hiroyuki Aburatani, et al. A comparative analysis of Smad-responsive motifs identifies multiple regulatory inputs for TGF-β transcriptional activation. Jounal of Biological Chemistry. 2019. 294. 42. 15466-15479
- Mitsuyoshi Motizuki, Masao Saitoh, Keiji Miyazawa. Maid is a negative regulator of transforming growth factor-beta-induced cell migration. Journal of Biochemistry. 2015. 158. 5. 435-444
more... MISC (1): Patents (1): Books (1): Lectures and oral presentations (11): -
(第75回 日本癌学会学術総会 2016)
Determination of functional domains by using synthetic peptide blockers
(生化学関東支部例会 2013)
(第71回 日本癌学会学術総会 2012)
Olig1は、TGF-betaによる運動性の促進を制御するSmad cofactorである
(第70回 日本癌学会学術総会 2011)
more... Education (3): - - 1984 Niigata University
- - 1984 Niigata University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
- - 1978 Niigata University Faculty of Science
Professional career (2): Work history (2): - 2002/10 - 山梨大学助手(生化学講座第2教室)
- 1984/04 - 山梨医科大学助手(生化学第2)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本進化学会
, 日本生化学会
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