J-GLOBAL ID:200901099019431783
Update date: Jul. 28, 2022 Itou Hiromi
イトウ ヒロミ | Itou Hiromi
Affiliation and department: Research field (5):
Literature - General
, Literature - Chinese
, Literature - European
, Art history
, Aesthetics and art studies
Research keywords (6):
, 文学一般
, 英語・英米文学
, Art History
, Literature in General
, English Language and Literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4): - 本覚思想と草木成仏
- W.B.Yeatsにおける時と永遠
- Hongaku Shiso and Somoku-Jyobutsu
- On Yeats's 'Time and Eternity'
MISC (68): -
イエイツ詩における「時と永遠」その(IX). 東洋大学紀要「言葉と文化」. 2004. 4. 1-15
草木成佛について(九)-賴瑜の眞続雜記問答鈔第一-. 東洋大学紀要「東洋学研究」. 2004. 東洋学研究. 97-116
Time and Eternity on W.B. Yeats's Petry(partIX). Journal of Toyo University danguage and Culture 4. 2004. 4. 1-15
Grass and Trees Obtain a Buddhood (Part9) -on Raiyui's Shinzokuzakki-. Tokyo Univesity Asian Studies. 2004
イエイツ詩における「時と永遠」(そのVII). 東洋大学紀要「言語と文化」. 2003. 第2号, 1-21
more... Books (9): - 良寛酒楽(ほがひ)-古事記のまねび
文化書房博文社 2003
- 大石順教尼の世界
文化書房博文社 1997
- Life and Works of (]J1055[)ishi Junkyoni
Bunkashobohakubunshia 1997
- 西田幾多郎 心象の歌
大東出版社 1996
- Nishida Kitar(]J1155[)'s Tanka Poems-especially his mental images-
Daitoshippansha 1996
more... Works (18): -
釈霊照律師の菩薩十善戒(付録・釈興然) (現代の戒相) 仏教タイムス社
2004 -
Bosattu Juzenkai of Shaku Onsho and his diciple Haku Kozen (Bukyo Times Publlisher)
2004 -
Buddhahood of mind and Physical Structures from the viewpoint of Buddhistic Archaeology. Toyo University Asian Studies, another Volume
2003 -
佛教考古学より見たる良心観 東洋学研究別冊 33p-52p
2003 -
Buddhahood of mind and Physical Structures from the viewpoint of Buddhistic Archaeology. Toyo University Asian Studies, another Volume
2003 -
more... Education (4): - - 1965 Waseda University School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- - 1965 Waseda University Faculty of Literature
- - 1963 Waseda University
- - 1963 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Letters
Professional career (1): Association Membership(s) (3):
, 早稲田大学英文学会
, 日本イエイツ協会
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