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J-GLOBAL ID:200901099126627941   Update date: Sep. 29, 2024

Lippmaa Mikk

リップマー ミック | Lippmaa Mikk
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://lippmaa.issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
Research field  (3): Inorganic materials ,  Thin-film surfaces and interfaces ,  Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
Research keywords  (4): ナノ構造 ,  酸化物薄膜 ,  nano structures ,  oxide thin films
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • 2014 - 2019 Invention of 3D Active sites in Advanced Semiconductors and Functional Materials
  • 2011 - 2012 Light-element semiconductors
  • 2007 - 2008 Field-effect phase transitions in nanoscale oxides
  • 2007 - 2007 酸化物メタマテリアル
  • 2005 - 2006 Field-effect doping of strongly correlated electron systems
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Papers (201):
  • Hiroaki Tanaka, Shota Okazaki, Masaru Kobayashi, Yuto Fukushima, Yosuke Arai, Takushi Iimori, Mikk Lippmaa, Kohei Yamagami, Yoshinori Kotani, Fumio Komori, et al. Broken Screw Rotational Symmetry in the Near-Surface Electronic Structure of AB -Stacked Crystals. Physical Review Letters. 2024. 132. 13
  • Hiroaki Tanaka, Andrei V Telegin, Yurii P Sukhorukov, Vladimir A Golyashov, Oleg E Tereshchenko, Alexander N Lavrov, Takuya Matsuda, Ryusuke Matsunaga, Ryosuke Akashi, Mikk Lippmaa, et al. Semiconducting Electronic Structure of the Ferromagnetic Spinel HgCr_{2}Se_{4} Revealed by Soft-X-Ray Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy. Physical review letters. 2023. 130. 18. 186402-186402
  • Seonghyeon Kim, Mikk Lippmaa, Jaehyeok Lee, Hyeongmin Cho, Juhan Kim, Bongju Kim, Kookrin Char. Critical Role of Terminating Layer in Formation of 2DEG State at the LaInO3/BaSnO3 Interface. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2022. 9. 32
  • Haotong Liang, Valentin Stanev, Aaron Gilad Kusne, Yuto Tsukahara, Kaito Ito, Ryota Takahashi, Mikk Lippmaa, Ichiro Takeuchi. Application of machine learning to reflection high-energy electron diffraction images for automated structural phase mapping. Physical Review Materials. 2022. 6. 6
  • Ryota Takahashi, Takahisa Yamamoto, Mikk Lippmaa. He Buffer Gas for Moderating the Kinetic Energy of Pulsed Laser Deposition Plumes. Crystal Growth and Design. 2021. 21. 9. 5017-5026
MISC (76):
  • Mikk Lippmaa, Seiji Kawasaki, Ryota Takahashi, Takahisa Yamamoto. Noble metal clustering and nanopillar formation in an oxide matrix. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2020. 59. 1
  • Ryota Takahashi, Mikk Lippmaa. Pyroelectric detection of ferroelectric polarization in magnetic thin films. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2018. 57. 9
  • Ohtsuki T., Endo A., Tian Zhaoming, Halim Mario, Katsumoto S., Nakatsuji S., Lippmaa Mikk. 21pBN-15 Magnetotransport properties of pyrochlore Pr_2Ir_2O_7 thin films at low temperature. Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2016. 71. 0. 2323-2323
  • Ohkubo Isao, Sugano Genya, Harada Takayuki, Oshima Masaharu, Ohnishi Tsuyoshi, Lippmaa Mikk, Matsumoto Yuji, Koinuma Hideomi. The devise size dependence of resistance switching performance in metal / manganite insulator interface. Preprints of Annual Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan
    Preprints of Fall Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan. 2009. 2009. 0. 2L19-2L19
  • Adachi Yutaka, Lippmaa Mikk, Ohashi Naoki, Ohgaki Takeshi, Sakaguchi Isao, Haneda Hajime, Yoshikawa Hideki, Ueda Shigenori, Kobayashi Keisuke, Ohnishi Tsuyoshi. Polarity of Al-doped ZnO films grown on sapphire substrates. Preprints of Annual Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan
    Preprints of Fall Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan. 2008. 2008. 0. 231-231
Books (2):
  • "Parallel synthesis of artificially designed superlattices and devices", in "Combinatorial Material Synthesis"
    Marcel Dekker 2003
  • "Parallel synthesis of artificially designed superlattices and devices", in "Combinatorial Material Synthesis"
    Marcel Dekker 2003
Works (2):
  • NEDO国際共同研究
    2002 -
  • NEDO International Joint Research
    2002 -
Education (4):
  • - 1995 ヘルシンキ工科大学 情報工学研究科 材料工学
  • - 1995 Helsinki University of Technology Graduate School, Division of Information Engineering Material Science
  • - 1989 タルト国立大学 理工学部 物理
  • - 1989 Tartu University Faculty of Science and Engineering Physics
Professional career (1):
  • Dr.Tech (Helsinki Univesity of Technology (Finland))
Work history (4):
  • 2018 - 現在 University of Tokyo Institute for Solid State Physics Professor
  • 2001 - 2018 University of Tokyo Institute for Solid State Physics Associate Professor
  • 1999 - 2001 無機材料研究所コンビナトリアルプロジェクト 特別研究員
  • 1999 - 2001 National Institute for Materials Science Combinatorial project Researcher
Association Membership(s) (2):
応用物理学会 ,  The Japan Society of Applied Physics
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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