J-GLOBAL ID:200901099928055846
Update date: Dec. 26, 2024 Shiono Yosihito
Shiono Yosihito
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Bioorganic chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10): - 2022 - 2025 新規フェロトーシス抑制因子CNDP2によるシステイン再利用系の生理機能の解明
- 2020 - 2023 インドネシアの伝承薬「ジャムウ」を材料にした生理活性物質の探索研究
- 2019 - 2022 Search for biological active compounds based on culture methods through communication between two microorganisms
- 2016 - 2019 Research for preventing Japanese oak wilt (JOW) disease with tree endophyte fungi
- 2015 - 2018 Isolation of endophytic fungi from rain forest in Indonesia and its utilization for remediation of post opencast mining land
- 2012 - 2015 Screening for antibiotic compounds against Japanese oak tree wilt disease and the availability
- 2009 - 2011 Studies on molecular targets of new biological compounds having activity against the mutant yeast involving calcium signaling
- 2008 - 2010 Studies on diterpene-producing system based on the useful characters of unusual fungal chimera diterpene synthases.
- 2008 - 2010 中央アフリカカメルーンにおける未利用生物資源からの有用生理活性物質の探索研究
- 2007 - 2008 A Search for New Bioactive Compounds Produced by Ascomycete
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Papers (198): -
Shimizu, K., Takahashi, R., Zulfikar, Hakozaki, M., Kanno, Y., Uesugi, S., Koseki, T., Shiono, Y. New yellow pigments related to the pitholides from the Endophyte Sordariomycetes sp.. PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS. 2025. 65. 10-14
Hakoda, M., Kato, T., Takahashi, C., Shiono, Y., Koseki, T. Substrate specificity modification of paraben hydrolase and tannase from Aspergillus oryzae. ENZYME AND MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY. 2024. 180. 110495
Nanang Rudianto Ariefta, Ferry Ferdiansyah Sofian, Takako Aboshi, Hadi Kuncoro, Deden Indra Dinata, Yoshihito Shiono, Yoshifumi Nishikawa. Evaluation of the antiplasmodial and anti-Toxoplasma activities of several Indonesian medicinal plant extracts. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 2024. 331. 118269-118269
Reo Takahashi, Shin-Nosuke Isshiki, Mayuka Hakozaki, Yuko Kanno, Shota Uesugi, Takuya Koseki, Yoshihito Shiono. Altenuene derivatives produced by an endophyte Alternaria alternata. Natural Product Research. 2024. 1-8
Mulyani, Y, Safriansyah, W, Wulandari, AP, Azhari, A, Purbaya, S, Sari, AP, Pratama, GB, Abdullah, FF, Farabi, K, Supratman, U, et al. Arohynapene A Produced by Penicillium steckiiJB-NW-2-1 Isolated from Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh and Its Cytotoxic Activities. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. 2024. 24. 2. 560-566
more... MISC (11): -
Ohtsuka Motohiro, Mizuno Toshiyuki, Shiono Yoshihito, Koseki Takuya. 1P-056 Role of disulfide bond close to the catalytic residues of tannase from Aspergillus oryzae. 2014. 66. 31-31
Koseki Takuya, Asai Shungo, Shiono Yoshihito. 1P-049 Characterization of a novel lipolytic enzyme from Aspergillus oryzae. 2013. 65. 30-30
KOSEKI Takuya, HORI Akane, MIHARA Koji, KAWAMOTO Kazusa, FUSHINOBU Shinya, KOMIYA Dai, SUZUKI Kentaro, SHOUN Hirofumi, WAKAGI Takayoshi, MURAYAMA Tetsuya, et al. Ferulic Acid Esterase of Aspergillus Origin. Bulletin of applied glycoscience. 2012. 2. 2. 111-116
- Louis Pergaud Sandjo, Herve M. Poumale Poumale, Xavier Siwe Noudou, Hippolyte Nga Ntede, Yoshihito Shiono, Bonaventure Tchaleu Ngadjui, Rui Werner Macedo Krause, Derek Tantoh Ndinteh, Joseph Tanyi Mbafor. Two New Fatty Acid Derivatives from the Stem Bark of Alchornea laxiflora (Euphorbiaceae) (vol 88, pg 1153, 2011). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY. 2011. 88. 11. 1849-1849
Tamaki Daisuke, Murayama Tetsuya, Shiono Yoshihito, Koseki Takuya. 3P-1037 Purification and characterization of a cinnamoyl esterase from the psychrotrophic fungus, Penicillium antarcticum FH-14. 2010. 22. 67-67
more... Patents (1): -
Books (2): - Medicinal Plant Research in Africa
Elsevier 2013
- Bioactive compounds from natural sources : natural products as lead compounds in drug discovery
CRC Press 2011
Lectures and oral presentations (11): -
Undescribed dimeric- and trimeric-sesquiterpene phenols and a bicoumarin derivative isolated from the leaves of Dysoxylum caulostachyum Miq
(日本農芸化学大会2022年度大会 2022)
N-fatty acyl 5-hydroxytryptamines isolated from Diallium corbisieri, Fabaceae.
(日本農芸化学大会2022年度大会 2022)
Undescribed dimeric- and trimeric-sesquiterpene phenols isolated from the leaves of Dysoxylum caulostachyum Miq., a primate-consumed plant
(日本農芸化学会 東北支部156回大会 2021)
メヒシバより分離した糸状菌 M3 株が生産する クルビコライド類の新類縁物質について
(日本農芸化学会 東北支部156回大会 2021)
Two new octahydronaphthalene derivatives, trichodermic acid C and D produced by Trichoderma sp. HN-1.1
(日本農芸化学大会2021年度大会 2021)
more... Education (2): - - 1999 Osaka Prefecture University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
- - 1994 Osaka Prefecture University Faculty of Agriculture
Work history (4): - 2012/04 - 現在 Yamagata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Food, Life, and Environmental Sciences Professor
- 2010/04 - 2012/03 Yamagata University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Food, Life, and Environmental Sciences Associate Professor
- 2000/11 - 2002/11 (独)産業技術総合研究所 NEDO フェロー
- 2000/01 - 2000/10 京都工芸繊維大学大学院ベンチャーラボラトリー 非常勤講師
Committee career (1): - 2019/04 - 現在 日本農芸化学会 英文誌編集委員
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