UENO Tetsu. Scientific Ethics Cafe in the Satellite Campus of Oyama National College of Technology. Journal of Education in the Colleges of Technology. 2013. 36. 435-440
UENO Tetsu. Attempt of Philosophy Education which Students taste Philosopher's Thought Process. Journal of Education in The Colleges of Technology. 2012. 35. 347-352
Tetsu Ueno, Yasushi Maruyama. The Significance of Network Ethics Education in Japanese Universities: A Global Citizenship Education for Building a Moral Community in the Globalized Network Society. International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education. 2011. 1. 3. 50-58
Tetsu Ueno. On the positive impact that "difficulty of perfect control of our life" brings to society. 2024. 1. 6-11
Tetsu Ueno. On Validity of "Peer Assessment" during Ethics Class in Technical College and University. Research Reports of National Institute of Technology, Oyama College. 2023. 56. 48-51
Tetsu Ueno. An Ethical Inquiry into The Educational Philosophy of NIT, Oyama College: What does “Pursuing to be an Engineer of Integrity” mean?. Research Reports of National Institute of Technology, Oyama College. 2021. 54. 66-72
Occupational Ethics Training for Sport Referees in Japan
(The 2018 PESA (Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia) Conference 2018)
(日本倫理学会第68回大会 2017)
Ethics Education for Researchers in Japan: A critical review
(The 2017 PESA (Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia) Conference 2017)
Reconciliation between Science, Technology, and Natural Disasters based on Traditional Japanese Ideas of Ecology
(The 2016 PESA (Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia) Conference 2016)
Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia(南太平洋州教育哲学会)
, 日本教育学会
, 日本医学哲学・倫理学会
, 日本倫理学会
, Japan Society for the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education