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J-GLOBAL ID:201001012919043196   Update date: Dec. 27, 2022


H ホワイトロウ ギャヴィン | H WHITELAW Gavin
Research field  (1): Cultural anthropology and folklore
Papers (2):
  • Gavin Hamilton Whitelaw. Learning from small change: Clerkship and the labors of convenience. Anthropology of Work Review. 2008. 29. 3. 62-69
  • Rebecca Prentice, Gavin H. Whitelaw. “Embodying Labour: Work as Fieldwork”. Anthropology of Work Review. 2008. 29. 3. 53-54
MISC (5):
  • Coffee Life in Japan (by Merry I. White). Social Science Journal Japan. 2014
  • The Japanese House: Material Culture in the Modern Home (by Inge Daniels). Social Science Journal Japan. 2013. 16. 2. 343-346
  • Gavin H. Whitelaw. Cityscape as Literary Genba - An Interview with Edward Fowler. Japan Studies - The Frontier. 2011. 4. 15-24
  • Escape from Work: Freelancing Youth and the Challenge to Corporate Japan (by Reiko Kosugi). Social Science Journal Japan. 2009. 12. 1. 158-161
  • Interview with Professor Glenda Roberts, Waseda University,” 49(9):53-54. Anthropology News. 2008. 49. 9. 53-54
Lectures and oral presentations  (6):
  • "“Konbini as a Global Retail Template”, Anthropology of Business: Exploring the Significance of an Anthropology of Business,"
  • Dangerous Eating
    (Asian Studies Japan Conference (ASCJ) 2009)
  • Konbini-baito: Youth at Work in Transitional Japan
  • """Maintaining Convenience"": Konbini and the Changing Workplace in Contemporary Japan. "
    (Waseda University 2009)
  • "Transitional Japan: Youth, Konbini,and Everyday Life"
    ("Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture Lecture Series, Sophia University" 2009)
Education (3):
  • 2001 - 2007 Yale University Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Sociocultural Anthropology
  • 1999 - 2001 Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Regional Studies - East Asia
  • 1989 - 1993 Wesleyan University Russian & Soviet Studies
Professional career (4):
  • B.A. (Wesleyan University)
  • M.A. (Harvard University)
  • M.A. Philosophy (Yale University)
  • Ph.D (Yale University)
Work history (1):
  • 2010/04/01 - 2014/03/31 Coordinator, Japan Studies Program, International Christian University
Committee career (4):
  • 2013/04 - 2014/08 Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), ICU Editorial Board Member
  • 2010/04 - 2014/03 Japan Studies - The Frontier Editor
  • 2010 - Social Science Journal Japan (SSJJ) Editorial Board Member
  • 2010 - Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) Executive Committee Member
Awards (2):
  • 2006 - "Society for Agriculture, Food, and Human Values’ Graduate Student Essay Prize: “Rice Ball Rivalries: Japanese Convenience Stores and the Appetite of Late Capitalism”"
  • 2004 - Society for Economic Anthropology’s Harold K. Schneider Graduate Student Paper Prize: “Denouement or De Novo? A Social History of the American Clothesline”
Association Membership(s) (4):
AAA (American Anthropological Association) ,  AAS (Association of Asian Studies) ,  SEA (Society of Economic Anthropology) ,  JAWS (Japan Anthropology Workshop)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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