Tomoki Endo. Hadronic matter phases and their application to rapidly rotating neutron stars. XIV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOPICS IN ASTROPARTICLE AND UNDERGROUND PHYSICS (TAUP 2015), PTS 1-7. 2016. 718. 052010
Tomoki Endo. Investigation of the rotation effects on high density matter in hybrid stars. DESY-PROC-2014-04. 2015. 2014. 4. 395-398
Tomoki Endo. Appearance of a quark matter phase in hybrid stars. 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRANGENESS IN QUARK MATTER (SQM2013). 2014. 509. 012075
Impact of the rotation effect on quark-hadron hybrid stars
(Quarks and Compact Stars 2017 2017)
Lattice Energy Calculation for Li Inserted Graphite at Relaxation Process
(PRiME2016 / 230th ECS (Electrochemical Society) meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii 2016)
Application of a quark-hadron hybrid equation of state to rotating neutron stars
(26th International Nuclear Physics Conference, Adelaide, Australia 2016)
Hadronic matter phases and their application to rapidly rotating neutron stars
(Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics 2015, Torino, Italy 2015)
Investigation of the rotation effects on high density matter in hybrid stars
(Particles and Nuclei 2014, Hamburg University, Germany 2014)