Research field (2):
Structural and functional materials
, Composite materials and interfaces
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
2022 - 2025 Strategy for biometallic implant design based on the control of cathodic reaction
2018 - 2021 Analysis of cathodic reaction processes for simulation of corrosion behavior of metallic implants
2017 - 2020 Bio-compatibility of metallic biomedical materials with surface nano modification
2015 - 2019 Fabrication of film on the surface of Titanium alloy for the suppression of harmful metallic ion release and improvement of osseointegration
2014 - 2017 Long-term reliability design of metallic biomaterials based on the nano-scale control of morphology and structure of their surfaces
2013 - 2015 Optimization of interfaces between metallic implants and tissues by nano structure formation and surface treatment
2011 - 2014 Formation process of self-organized nano-pore arrays on metal substrates and their applications to metallic biomaterials
2010 - 2011 Biocompatibility and surface modification of metallic biomaterials in biochemical/ mechanical environment
Sayaka Miyabe, Yushi Fujinaga, Hiroaki Tsuchiya, Shinji Fujimoto. TiO2 nanotubes with customized diameters for local drug delivery systems. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 2024. 112. 7. e35445
Shinji Fujimoto, Sayaka Miyabe, Hiroaki Tsuchiya. Stress Corrosion Cracking of Copper in Humid Bentonite Powder. 244th ECS Meeting Abstracts, Fall 2023. 2023. C02-1098
Hiroaki TSUCHIYA, Sayaka MIYABE, Kotaro DOI, Shinji FUJIMOTO. Corrosion Resistance of Titanium. Journal of The Surface Finishing Society of Japan. 2022. 73. 1. 33-37
Doi Kotaro, Miyabe Sayaka, Tsuchiya Hiroaki, Fujimoto Shinji. Dissolution and Repassivation of Metallic Biomaterials in Bio-mechanochemical Environment. Materia Japan. 2022. 61. 7. 393-398
Doi Kotaro, Teranishi Ryo, Todoroki Naoto, Kobata Junpei, Saito Nobuo, Miyabe Sayaka, Kojima Takayuki. Preface to Special Issue on “Corrosion with Materials Deformation”. Materia Japan. 2022. 61. 7. 391-392