Research keywords (1):
Syntax, Historical Linguistics, Typology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
2023 - 2026 言語類型論から見た日本語のアラインメント変化
2019 - 2023 日本語の格システムの変化とヴォイス交替:歴史コーパスを使用した実証研究
2019 - 2022 日本語の格システムの変化とヴォイス交替:歴史コーパスを使用した実証研究
2019 - 2021 日本語の格システムの変化とヴォイス交替:歴史コーパスを使用した実証研究
2015 - 2019 言語類型論からみた日本語史の項表示の変遷:通時コーパスを利用した実証研究
2011 - 2014 日本列島と周辺諸言語の類型論的・比較歴史研究
2011 - 2014 Typological change of alignment in Japanese: Basic research with the objective of building syntactic corpora
2009 - 2013 Verb semantics and argument realization in pre-modern Japanese:A comprehensive study of the basic syntax of pre-modern Japanese
2003 - 2011 平安時代初期日本語の文法研究
2007 - 2009 Alignment and word order in the history of Japanese
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Papers (40):
Yanagida,Yuko. The origin of dative subjects and psych predicate constructions in Japanese. Journal of Historical Linguistics. 2022. 12. 2. 282-316
Aldridge, Edith, Yanagida, Yuko. Two Types of Alignment Change in Nominalizations: Austronesian and Japanese. Diachronica: International Journal for Historical Linguistics. 2021. 38. 3. 314-357
Bjarke, Frellesvig, Horn, Stephen, Yanagida, Yuko. A Diachronic Perspective on Differential Object Marking in Pre-modern Japanese. Diachrony of Differential Argument Marking [Studies in Diversity Linguistics], Berlin: Language Science Press. 2018. 183-207
Yanagida,Yuko. Differential Subject Marking and its demise in the History of Japanese. Studies in Diversity Linguistics, Language Science Press. 2018. 401-422
Whitman, John, Yanagida, Yuko. A Korean grammatical borrowing in Early Middle Japanese kunten texts and its relation to the syntactic alignment of earlier Korean and Japanese. Japanese/Korean Linguistics Vol.21. 2015. 21. 121-135
The psych predicate alternation and alignment change:The case in Earlier Japanese
(24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Australian National University, Canberra 2019)
Alignment change and the psych causative alternation
(NINJAL-Oxford International Symposium on the Japanese Diachronic Corpora 2018)
Genitive/active to nominative case in Japanese: the role of complex experiencer constructions
(the 23rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, The university of Texas at San Antonio 2017)
Differential Object Marking in Old Japanese: A Corpus Based Study
(European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), University of Ljublijana, Slovenia 2014)
Differential Argument Marking and Word Order in Old Japanese
(The Diachronic Typology of Differential Argument Marking,University of Konstanz, Germany 2014)