Chiemi Yagi, Phillip Pearce. Western Castles Through Japanese Eyes and Minds. Tourism in Contemporary Cities. Proceedings of the International Tourism Studies Association Conference. 2016. 350
Pearce, Philip L, Yagi, Chiemi. Methodological innovation in Asia Pacific tourism research. Proceedings of Asia Pacific Tourism Association 10th Annual Conference. 2004. 619-631
Chiemi Yagi. Tourist encounters with other tourists. (Doctoral dissertation, James Cook University). 2003
The world meets Asian tourists
Emerald 2017 ISBN:9781785602191
Education (4):
James Cook University
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Eastern Oregon State College
Professional career (1):
PhD (James Cook University)
Work history (3):
2022/04 - 現在 琉球大学 地域共創研究科 文化・環境プログラム
2018/04 - 現在 University of the Ryukyus
2008/04 - 2018/03 琉球大学 観光産業科学部 観光科学科 准教授
Awards (2):
2002/05 - Asia Pacific Form for Graduate Students Research in Tourism Best Paper Award Tourists’ Preferences for Seeing Other Tourists
1998/06 - Journal of Tourism Research Association (JTRA) Honorable Mention Award (JTRA Masters Student Research Award) Image of Japan in Tourism Brochures
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 観光学術学会
, International Tourism Studies Association
, 日本観光ホスピタリティ教育学会