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J-GLOBAL ID:201001061911876319   Update date: Feb. 10, 2025

Sato Ken

サトウ ケン | Sato Ken
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (2): Cell biology ,  Functional biochemistry
Research keywords  (4): メンブレントラフィック ,  小胞輸送 ,  出芽酵母 ,  オルガネラ形態形成
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (19):
  • 2019 - 2023 小胞体-ゴルジ体間の小胞輸送を支えるリン酸化・脱リン酸化による制御機構の解明
  • 2017 - 2020 Analysis of the basic mechanism of membrane traffic by use of the in vitro reconstitution system
  • 2016 - 2019 Analysis of spatiotemporal regulation of membrane traffic mediated by COPII components
  • 2014 - 2016 細胞内輸送小胞の形成を支える動的秩序の解明
  • 2013 - 2016 Analysis of spatiotemporal regulation of membrane traffic from the ER
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Papers (56):
  • Tomohiro Yorimitsu, Ken Sato. Potential ER tubular lumen-sensing intrinsically disordered regions. Journal of cell science. 2025
  • Tomohiro Yorimitsu, Ken Sato. Sec16 and Sed4 interdependently function as interaction and localization partners at ER exit sites. Journal of cell science. 2023. 136. 9
  • Tomohiro Yorimitsu, Ken Sato. Sec16 function in ER export and autophagy is independent of its phosphorylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. 2020. 31. 3. 149-156
  • Kotaro Horikawa, Tomohiro Yorimitsu, Chie Kodera, Ken Sato. Implication of a Novel Function of Sar1 in the Nucleus. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. 2019. 44. 2. 105-112
  • Hirohiko Iwasaki, Tomohiro Yorimitsu, Ken Sato. Microscopy analysis of reconstituted COPII coat polymerization and Sec16 dynamics. JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE. 2017. 130. 17. 2893-2902
MISC (3):
  • Tatsuaki Goh, Wakana Uchida, Masaki Takeuchi, Satoko Arakawa-Kobayashi, Ken Sato, Takashi Ueda, Akihiko Nakano. Functional analysis of AtVps9, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for rab5-related GTPases in Arabidopsis. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY. 2007. 48. 0. S123-S123
  • T Goh, M Takeuchi, K Sato, T Uemura, T Ueda, A Nakano. AtVps9, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab5-related GTPases in Arabidopsis. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY. 2006. 47. S93-S93
  • Kojima M., Sato K., Homma M. Purificatin of PomB and reconstitution of PomB-dependent Na^+ uptake activity. Seibutsu Butsuri. 2000. 40. 0. S73
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